Chapter 3

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She had managed to completely jinx herself somehow.

There was already screaming coming from inside the classroom. The sound rang in her ears, a heavy pounding making her eardrums regret existing in the first place. Shin growled low and under her breath, the tempo steady in her chest. Despite the fact that in reality, human vocal cords truly shouldn't be able to produce the sound in the first place.

She had made a point to be early today, giving herself a chance to avoid the onslaught of noise. What the ever-loving kami would motivate her class full of what seemed to be mostly hellspawn to get there before her-- and manage to already create a fuss worthy of that many decibels of noise-- was a mystery that she didn't have an answer to.

She was already completely fed up with it. Shinpi-teki opened up the door and glared in the general direction of the epicenter of the noise, before hissing something out at her soon-to-be former classmates.

"What the hell requires you to be making this much noise this early in the morning?" Shin growled out, her eyes narrowed in on the offending party, mostly made up of a hoard of kunochi and the people complaining about the formers antics.

The people in the range of her comment had gone silent for a moment and stared uncomfortably, recognizing their mistake and fearing whatever consequences would possibly occur afterwards. She didn't exactly have a great reputation with incidents like these.

She added onto her comment, taking advantage of the temporary silence from the people that could at least hear her. "Shut up, we're supposed to be professionals now. Act like it." Shin hissed out, to a similar effect. She had no desire to raise her voice, or to honestly speak in the first place. Some situations and people demanded to tear that privilege from her, though.

Some had started to talk again but in a much quieter volume than before. Shinpi-teki made an attempt to reach her seat before something interrupted her. A pink haired menace of a kunochi that Shin was unfortunately familiar with had continued her fuss over Sasuke Uchiha merely a few meters away. Sakura continued to tone out everything else anyone had to say, and this made Shinpi-teki's eye twitch. She couldn't handle this type of behavior today. Maybe another day she would begrudgingly tolerate it, leave it alone, but Shin was almost sick with anticipation to graduate already and Sakura was interrupting that.

Some of the previously victimized classmates strained their ears trying to listen to her impending reaction, sonething that was sure to result poorly if the morning trend continued.

Shin's voice was blunt, straightforward, and her message was completely to the point. She was fed up and had no desire to interact with someone who wasted their advantages and talents like Sakura did. She simply wanted to get the day done with.

"Look, Haruno, I'm really not in the mood to deal with your sickeningly loud 'advances' today. Go sit down already and we can make an attempt to make it through the rest of the day with our sanity somehow intact." Shinpi-teki snarled whilst beginning to already sound fatigued, exhausted by too many events packed into a short time frame.

Sakura shot her head back from where she was standing and was developing an uncharacteristically shocked look at her barking comment. Shinpi-teki went to properly sit down at last and glared at anyone who tried to approach. She made one last remark at Sakura, feeling like while she had her attention, she should at least use it... "And for your sake, start to eat more than a salad for once, you need the carbs if you want to be fit for heir rearing, let alone being a ninja." Shin couldn't help but snap midway, developing an ugly sneer on her face, muscles tense. Sakura flinched back at that and Shin was too tired to realize the impact of what she said, it was a useless excuse to try to pretend to be nice at this point.

Shinpi-teki fucked up. That was just what she did. Couldn't train a nin-dog, couldn't function alone, couldn't be polite, (couldn't keep Daisuke alive.)

Shin leaned back in her spot as she watched Sakura stop off at last, feeling uneasy with herself and the measures she came to. "If it gets any worse, I'm legitimately just done. I'm getting out of here. There is no room left for annoyances like these today, we aren't children anymore." She muttered, raising her voice near the end of her statement to herself.

Shin gripped the edge of the desk and was suppressing the urge to bounce her leg, impatiently waiting for the class to officially start so she could just get her team assignment and go. 

As she waited, her attention was drawn to the person in the seat beside her, a place that few people dared to take these days. She could have sworn she heard them make some sort of noise, a scoff perhaps. Shinpi-teki was pretty sure their name was Ki? Kibō? Shin wasn't entirely sure what their name was, but she wasn't going to waste her time thinking about it. Shin nudged their shoulder in a last minute attempt to get some sort of reasoning for the pounding in her eardrums that she walked in on.

"Eh, do you know why the hell everyone was yelling this mornin'?" Shin drawled. The probably-a-girl opened her eyes to stare at Shinpi-teki. The flecks of green reflecting the light on their hazel background.

"I'm not completely sure either and I'm not about to ask a fangirl to find out. I got here only a little before you." They mumbled. Shin nodded and put a solemn look on her face.

"Wise choice."

They snickered and put her hand out for Shin to grab.

"Nara Kibō." They offered.

"Inuzuka Shinpi-teki." Shin accepted the hand and hesitantly offered a small grin to Kibō in response. It was genuinely inappropriate that neither of them really knew each other to the point of their names at this point, years into the academy.

"I don't think the day can get much worse than it already is, so let's attempt to just make it through and throughly hope that I'm not going to jinx myself again." Shin said.

"Minimum effort required, hopefully." Kibō replied, already resuming her slouch with a grunt. They pointedly turned to look at her again, however. "Weird name though, 'Mysterious,' what were your parents thinking?"

Shin faltered at first, but once the somber reminder pasted, promptly had a flush overcome her face and shot back a glare to Nara in response. Let bouncing, hands creaking, and the morning just slightly forgotten.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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