Chapter 62

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"Elena!" I quickly looked away from a tired Draco on the other side of the Great Hall towards Hermione. "Did you even hear me?"

"Um, no. Sorry." I mumbled, pushing my eggs around. "What did you say?"

"I asked if you would like to join me in watching the Quidditch Try-Outs today." She rolled her eyes at me. 

"Oh, yeah. Sure, definitely. Are you going because Ronald is trying out?" I smirked as her face began to turn a deep shade of red. 

"Shut it." She hissed, angrily stabbing her waffle. 

"I'm going to take that as a yes." I laughed. 

We quickly made our way towards the Quidditch Pitch, bundled up because of how cold it was outside. We made our way up the stands, and took a seat far away from the others who came to watch the Try-Outs, too. Luna sat close to us, but didn't utter a word. She was busy reading the Quibbler. I watched as the Gryffindors on the field were screwing around, and hitting each other with their brooms, making me roll my eyes. 

"They are so obnoxious." I sighed, opening my Herbology book. It was my worst subject, and I was in the N.E.W.T class for it. I had to study during my free time to make sure I pass if I wanted to be a healer. 

"They're not even listening to Harry and he's the Captain." Hermione scoffed, agreeing with me. 

"Shut it!" I heard Ginny's voice echo through the Pitch, and I snorted when they all settled down. 

"Thanks. Alright, um... Now then, remember, just because you made the team last year, it does not guarantee you a spot this year. Is that clear?" There was no response from anyone, making Harry nod. "Good."

I watched Ron as he looked up at the stands, most likely trying to find Hermione. He quickly found us, and Hermione shyly raised a hand to wave at him. 

"That was adorable." I whispered, making her quickly look over at me, and put her hand back down. 

"I swear, Elena, if you do not stop-" I cut Hermione off with a laugh. 

"Um, hate to break it to you Hermione, but that guy is looking at you." I gestured towards Cormac McLaggen, who was talking to Ron. 

"What? No, he's definitely looking at you..." Hermione trailed off when we heard the word 'Granger' come out of his mouth. "Ew."

"Want me to teach him a lesson?" I asked, pulling out my wand, but she quickly pushed my wand hand down. 

"No! Don't get in trouble because of him." She rolled her eyes at me. The players flew to the sky and got into their positions. 

"Merlin, are you kidding me? McLaggen is trying out for Keeper, too?" I watched him, my face scrunched up in disgust. 

"Weasley!" People around us started cheering Ron on, making me smile. 

"Hermione!" I slapped her arm, making her look away from Cormac. "Don't look at him!" 

"Sorry." She muttered, taking one last look at him, before looking over at Ron. 

We watched as they started up a game of Quidditch. I let out a laugh every time someone fell off their broom chasing Ginny. She was amazing at Quidditch, and I knew for a fact that she would get a spot on the team. 

I rolled my eyes every single time Cormac kicked or hit the Quaffle away from the hoops. He was good, I admit, but Ron was a close second. I covered my snort with a cough when Ron rolled off his broom, and held on for dear life. 

"Do you think he will be okay?" I heard Luna ask, noticing that she had put the Quibbler down to watch. 

"I hope so." Hermione replied. 

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