He pulled out an earphone, waiting for her to speak. What the hell did they want?

"Hi, er, I'm Stacey." The brunette was blushing as she spoke. She paused as if waiting for Eli to introduce himself too. He did not.

She glanced at her friend for reassurance before continuing hesitantly. "I saw you from across the fair and I think you're really, er, attractive. I was wondering if I could get your number?" She rushed out, her face was red.

That's it? Eli put his earphone back in, turning away from them.

Stacey looked confused, before she frowned, getting up with her friend and walking off, trying to justify his brutal rejection.

"Well, that was rude!" Eli heard a melodic voice behind him exclaim, loud enough to hear through his music.

Carter appeared next to him, flopping down on the bench too. She was close. Close enough for her arm to brush up against his slightly. He was distracted by that meagre contact when she yanked his earphones out of his ears.

"Ow!" He reached for her hands to grab them back but hesitated right before he touched her soft-looking skin, pulling back swiftly.

Carter ignored the action, putting one of his earphones into her ear before he had time to stop her. She kept eye contact with him as she listened to his music.

She froze when she recognized the tune, doing a double-take, glancing down to his hard rock t-shirt, then back into his eyes before she burst out laughing.

"Y-you're listening to super bass?" She choked out.

"Shut up!" He snatched his earphones back, careful not to touch her for too long.

Eli got up, shoving his things in his pocket, intent on walking away from her.

She followed him.

"Where's everyone else?" He asked her.

"They went on that spinning cup thing. I hate spinning rides."

He felt her hand wrap around his upper arm, dragging him back. He stumbled.

"Woah!" Carter peered close to his arm. "Your muscles are so hard."

He ignored that. "Why did you touch me?"

"I was gonna say, let's play that game!" She pointed to one of the booths. It was an emptier one, with not many people surrounding it.

It was one of those games where you throw darts at a target, then win one of the teddy bears hung at the top of the booth if you score.

"No." He said.

"Please?" She jutted her lower lip out, eyebrows scrunched down.

"Are you giving me the puppy dog eyes?"

"Is it working?"

"No. I'm a cat person." He shot at her. Her expression returned back to normal.

"Come on, we can make it interesting." She tempted him.

He considered it. "How?"

"We can make a bet or something. Whoever wins gets something."

Eli's face had become one of interest. "Let's play." He wrapped his hand around her arm, now being the one to pull her towards the game.

"What're we playing for?"

"If I win, you tell me why the cops were chasing you last week."

She frowned. "Pick something else."

He shrugged, turning away to leave.

"Okay fine!" Carter called out.

He smirked. Victory.

"If I win ..." She paused, looking around them. "Get me that teddy bear!" She pointed at an ugly teddy bear with big ears.

"If you win the game, you can win the teddy bear yourself, Carter." He deadpanned.

That was also the first time he said her name. It sounded good rolling off his tongue.

Maybe she noticed that too, because she glanced at his mouth for a few seconds, before speaking.

"Okay, then I don't want anything. I just wanna play. Besides, I'm gonna win." She said confidently.

"Sure, you are." Eli rolled his eyes. Luke and he used to play darts all the time; his aim was always spot on.

They each handed tickets to the bored-looking guy standing there and he gave them each three darts.

Eli concentrated on the bright red target, pulling his forearm back, and launching it forward, letting go of the dart and watching in satisfaction as it hit the target spot on.

He looked over at Carter's board, snorting when he saw her dart lodged a solid nine inches from the target. How did she miss that bad?

"Shut up! We have two more darts, I can still win."

Elijah, shook his head, preparing and aiming his second dart. Then Carter said his name.

He glanced over, finding her much closer than she was before. She went up on her tip-toes, pushing her face closer to his, staring into his eyes. He could see every green fleck in hers, and all he could smell was lavender.

He stumbled back, dropping the dart.

She pulled back immediately, letting out a "Ha!"

"That didn't count." He bent down to pick up the dart.

"Yes, it does." She kicked his dart away from him.

"Fine." He said, not even hesitating before launching his third dart, hitting it spot on the target, effortlessly.

Then he stood back and watched with satisfaction as Carter failed miserably at aiming her next two, not even coming close to the target.

"Which prize would you like?" The guy at the booth asked him. Eli shook his head, ignoring him as he stalked away, Carter on his heels. He sat on the bench from before, her sitting across from him.

"Okay. I won. Fair and square." He said, smugly. Then his smug face dropped, "Actually, you're the one who cheated." He pointed out.

"I didn't cheat. It's not my fault you find me so distracting." She batted her long, dark eyelashes.

"I do not." He was appalled.

She shrugged her shoulders, a small smile playing on her pink lips.

"Well?" Eli tapped his foot impatiently.

"Well, what?' Carter acted cluelessly.

"Why were the police chasing you?" He pressed.

"Well ..." Carter started.

a/n see u next chapter!

alsoooo the new shingeki no kyogin season is really good 

alsoooo the new shingeki no kyogin season is really good 

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anyone else a levi stan?

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