Meeting up

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Me and aug were watching a show called if loving you is wrong. Her husband is cheating on her with her bestfriend and she doesn't know it and she is telling her bestfriend that he is cheating bu.... i was telling aug what the show was about since he haven't watched it and I was cut off by my phone ringing.
I looked at the caller ID and it was Jay calling me so I ignored it. He had called again, are u gonna answer that aug asked no I said ignoring it again. He called again, serious you're not gonna get that aug said ugh fine what does this nigga want anyway I said answering the phone.
What? I asked annoyed
Well hello to u too he said
What do you want Jay? I asked.
I've been calling you why haven't you answered? he asked
Cause I got caller ID I said
So you knew it was me and u didn't answer? He asked.
Duhh I said
Why have u been ignoring me? He asked
I'm sorry that I treated you that way I know I did wrong and I wish I could take it back but I can't do that's why I called you to apologies he said
Ok I said still annoyed
Look I want you to meet me at Starbucks at 4 ok? he asked which sound more like telling
And why? I asked
So we can talk this through and everything he said
Ok then bye I said
B...I hunged up the phone before he could finish
Was that Jay? Aug asked
Yea I sighed
If I knew it was him I wouldn't have answered the phone either he said
I know right,now he wants me to meet him at Starbucks I said.
You gone go aug asked
Yea I guess I said
Really kay u actually gone go and meet this crazy ass nigga aug said
Yes cause he wants to talk about what happened and I want to know why it happened.
Kay his lying ass cheated on you that's what happened aug said
I know but I just want to talk to him I mean I still love him I said
Oh well whatever he said getting up and walking off.
I just rolled my eyes and got up to get ready to meet Jay since it was already 3
I got dress in some black tights and a blue tank with my black nike slides.
I put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my car keys and some money.

~~ Starbucks~~~
I arrived at Starbucks and I saw Jay sitting there waiting for me.
Hey he said
Um hi I said back
You don't want anything he asked me
Nah I'm good I said
Oh so what you been up to he asked
Nun much I said
Oh he said
Look cut the shit why you called me up here for I asked
Ok ok I just really wanted to talk to you and apologies he said
Ok well then go ahead I said
Look kay I'm really so fucking sorry that I did that to you when I know I shouldn't have did it I didnt know what had got to me and I love you so much and I just wish I could get another change cause I really need you he said
I sat there thinking if I should really give him another chance, I mean I do still love him and I really wanted to make our relationship work out but I'm in love with August also but I know it want work out cause he don't think of me more than a friend.
Um hello Jay said waving his hand in front of my face
Oh my bad I was just thinking um what did u say I asked
I was saying how I love you and how I want us back together he said
Oh well yea I said
Really you foreal he asked getting excited
Yea I mean I still love you too and I think we should try again to make our relationship work I said
Ok well I call you later he said getting up to hug and kiss me but I stopped him before he could kiss me
Um I think we should wait for that I said hugging him back
Well ok he said blushing
Bye I said leaving
Bye beautiful he said

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