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I was in the bed when my phone started to play music **I LOVE EM ALL YEAH YEAH** Hello? Hey bae.Hey jay what do you want? Damn a nigga can't call his lady up and say what's up. My bad. Yeah your bad but anyway I called to tell you to get dress because I'm about to come and pick you up to take you to dinner. Okay see you later.
~End of phone call.~
I got up and went to pick out a nice dress that was baby blue and had a black belt with it and I matched it up with some black heels. I went ahead and got dress since I took a bath this morning.
I was downstairs watching spongebob (don't hate) and eating some chips when kay came downstairs looking fine as hell. August would you please stop staring damn. Sorry geesh, but anyway where you going dressing all lovey dovey. With Jay he's taking me out to dinner. ** cough** that thot** cough**. I heard that August why you got to be so mean all the time. Sorry I just don't like him but anyways have fun and be safe. Okay bye. Yeah. so after Kay left I called up my side hoe Stacy and you all know what went down..😏😉☺️
Haha August is crazy but I still love him.
😊we knew that.
When I got outside I saw jay pulling up in his car. Hey Kay he said getting out with flowers, you look nice. And you don't look so bad yourself jay. thanks and here you go, you ready. yea lets go.
~arriving at restaurant~
We had pulled up to this nice restaurant and jay got out to open my door. Well thank you. when we got inside a lady named Jenn came to us. May I helped you guys. Yea um can we get a table for two please ma'm said Jay. yes right this way sir.Thank you we said to her. My pleasure may I ask what would you like to have to drink. what do you want to have Jay asked me. um I would like to have lemonade please. okay and for you sir, I would have the same he said,okay it will be back in a sec.
So what you been up to I asked jay. Um nun much you know still working on some things and other stuff you? Well I'm still trying to find a good job and you know maybe get a house to move in and been waiting on you to come around since we haven't talked in about a week. I know Kay I've been very busy and know I want to make it up to u ton...
Um hear you guys go with your lemonade said a waiter that interrupted our conversation with a lot of cake on her face and I just wanted to bust out laughing. Thank... Jay started to say but was cut off when he looked up at her and his eyes got big. And she had a smirk on her face and I was looking at him like the hell wrong with you. Then he realize I was looking and stopped what he was doing. Oh hey Lisa he said looking at me. Hey jay she said with that smirk still on her face that I wanted to slap off. Hey um Lisa this is my girlfriend Kimberly and Kimberly this is my ex girlfriend Lisa Jay said. Hey Kimberly Lisa said looking at me up and down. Like Bihh what you looking at me like that for. Hey Lisa it's nice to meet you. Yea nice to meet you to and bye Jay I hope to see you sometime.
~skip rest of dinner~
We Jay dropped me off I walked straight in the house which I hear moaning comming from up stairs from August room so I just went up to my room , slammed the door and went to sleep.

Forcing love ( August alsina)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें