"Please stop!" I screamed. Tracey seemed to calm down a little with the throwing of shoes . I looked at Fred who was still taking cover behind my locker and let out a soft chuckle.

"Tracey please, he's with me." I said gesturing for her to calm down.

"I know he's with you but why is he in my room?" She asked rather pissed. "Are you both dating now?"

"Her room you mean." Fred corrected still hiding behind the locker. He really should learn when to talk and when not to.

"You're still talking abi? You pervert! Come out let me break your head, Agbaya!" She snapped back throwing more shoes at Fred.

"It's ok, please calm down." I dragged my gladiator sandals from her before she causes more damage to it. I really love those sandals. "Fred please give us a minute so she can put on something." I said while holding Tracey in place.

"What for? I have seen all there is to see already. Can't I just..."

"Fred! Go!" I glared at him.

"You are very lucky Fred." Tracey said

I let go of Tracey once I heard the door closed. The state of my room was worse than that of a five years old. I glared at Tracey for making my room look this way.

"What am I going to do about this mess? My room was well kept before I left this morning and now it looks like where Jason Statham and Dwayne Johnson must have been".

"I'm sorry Kween,I just couldn't handle Fred seeing me like that." She said while putting on a pink polo and a blue Jean bumshot. Wait that looks familiar, is that my bumshot?

"Is that my bumshot you're putting on?" I asked

"Yes it is.I can't be walking around in jeans trousers while I'm indoors".

"Can I come in now?" Fred asked making both of us stare at his direction. He looked awful from the bruises he got from our encounter earlier at iya-Azeez's place. I can't help but feel bad for him.

"Here comes the perv." Tracey remarked

"So how can I help you with your date." He said ignoring Tracey's comment. That must have taken alot of self control on his part not to reply her. I'm proud.

Tracey left us and walked into the kitchen. I guess she was preparing something before the earlier occurrence . I took the chance to grab my first aid kit hoping I haven't ran out of essential stuff in the box.

"You can start by telling me what guys like doing while on a date." I said squatting in front of him and tending to his wounds.

"Ouch! That hurts." He exclaimed. "Honestly guys don't like doing anything, we end up liking anything she likes on a date and disliking anything she doesn't. The idea of a date is to impress her.it's all about her."

"I can't believe I agree with you pervert!" Tracey voiced out from the kitchen. She can hear us? Of course she can,my apartment is small and the kitchen is attached making it the typical self contained apartment.

"But I asked him out on the date." I said whispering

"It doesn't matter, don't assume control ok. Let him take the lead." I tried to blow some air on the bruised part I just disinfected but he turned accidentally and our lips were inches apart from colliding. I could feel the hot breath from his nostrils on my lips. I met his eyes and suddenly they grew darker,his gaze shifted to my lips and he tried leaning in but suddenly his phone vibrated.

He pulled back and answered the caller while stepping out of the room. What just happened? Did he just tried to kiss me? I didn't even try to stop him. I packed my kit and returned it to it's position before joining Tracey in the kitchen.

"What was that all about?" She asked still focused on the meal she was preparing.

"What was what about?" I feigned ignorance not wanting to remember what just happened.

"The date you were talking about with Fred."

"Oh that?" I asked relieved. "I asked someone out on a date and I have no idea what to do.'"

"I need to go Kween." Fred's voice echoed from the room. "The rain has reduced and I have someone waiting for me."

"Alright, you can take the umbrella behind the door on your way out so you don't drench." I couldn't go out to see him,not after what almost happened. I don't like awkward situations.

"Good night." He said

"Good night pervert." Tracey screamed out. She can be a real tease when she wants to. I heard the door close and I breathe out a sigh of relief.

"That was awkward." I mumbled to myself

"What was?" She asked raising a brow

"Nothing. I'm going to bed okay." I said exiting the kitchen

"You're not hungry?"

"No I'm not."

I fell flat on my bed and tried not to make much out of what happened, instead I pre occupied my thoughts with Dave. What if he rejects me again? I'm not sure I will be able to handle that well. What if Fred is right?  What if Dave's world is too big for me to fit in?

Please let me know what you think of this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. Also if you follow me,I will return the Favour 😊😊.. thank You dreamers

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