

       A FAMILIAR PRESENCE was what pulled my mind back to consciousness. With a small sigh my eyes fluttered open and the corners of my mouth quivered upward to form a slight, weak smile.

      "Hysho," I whispered, my voice a near silent breath. Hysho kneeled next to me, caressing my face in his soft hands.

       "Whatever happened here? Are you injured?" He questioned hurriedly but softly, as if raising his voice would cause me harm of some sort.

       My smile grew as I remembered the raw emerald he'd given me the last time I had seem him. He gave it with instructions to sell it for money to provide my family. However I couldn't bring myself to do it. Hysho had done more and given more to and for me than my family had ever done. He cared more, and so he deserved only the best. Therefore, rather than sell the stone, I filled it with strength and energy. When one held the stone, that strength and energy would be transferred in tiny increments at a time from the stone to the holder, allowing them to use its power. Hysho had seemed different last I saw him, drained and sad. It gave me a bad feeling, and so I wished to return him his gift, with my own added to it, for I couldn't help but feel our time left together was limited.



       DEZUCHE'S SMILE DID little to calm my racing heart. I placed one hand on the ground next to her, intending to use my other to lift her head into my lap but was interrupted by a sharp pain in my hand. With an involuntary yelp I raised my hand to find I'd been impaled by a familiar raw, uncut emerald. I pulled the green stone from my hand and pressed my palm to the hole in an attempt to stem the slight bleeding.

       I raised my eyes to Dezuche's. She was sitting up, eyes glued on the stone I just pulled from my hand. Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked embarrassed.

       "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to hurt you," Dezuche whispered. Her body and tone both quavered violently, as though every movement and breath took great energy to maintain. Forgetting my hand, I stuffed the stone in my pocket before sweeping her small frame into my arms. I was just in time as her body seemed to collapse, her breathing slow and faint, her face pale in comparison to the flush she'd worn a moment before.

       With a renowned vigor I stood with a surprising strength and carried Dezuche to my horse where I laid her carefully upon his back before climbing on myself. No matter the consequences which may be put into effect by this, I knew it would all be worth it just to know she would be okay.

       Unable to help the fear driven thought that I may not ever get the chance again, I brushed an errant strand of dark hair from her face and whispered the words my heart had yearned to tell her for far too long, "I love you, Dezuche."



       I HAD BEEN ready for the dinner for nearly half an hour, and yet Hysho was still no where to be found. Annoyance bristled within me. No man should ever keep his fiance waiting. I mean, how inconsiderate, especially considering the occasion! What could ever possibly be more important than me?

       I was just about to go find a security guard I could order to go and search for him when I caught a glimpse of him on the horizon. He was upon his great black stallion, a strong and proud horse of massive proportions, and made him look almost orphic in the setting sun. It was nearly enough to subside my anger with him. Nearly.

       Without hesitating I turned and made my way back in the palladium-plated, colored glass rotating door and through the immaculate room with precise attention to every detail of each piece of furniture and object within, and out into the long hall which seemed to stretch ever onward forever in either direction. I took a right and after a minute of walking found the top of the staircase which led down through the entire palace and lead to the front door. I took my time on the steps, holding up my dress to keep myself from tripping in my heels as I descended. After all, he deserved to be kept waiting after he'd left me doing so for as long as he had!

       There was a bustling commotion in the entrance hall when I arrived. Guards swarmed the area, and multiple mediwomen rushed by me into the swarm. I could just make out the curly top of Hysho's head in the center of it all and a slight panic filled me. Could he be injured? If it was serious, I could lose all chances of ever becoming Queen of The Sokyas. I pushed my way through the crowd, snapping at those who were in my way. Many moved upon seeing me, and soon I found myself in the midst of the chaos and what I saw stopped me dead in my tracks.

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