A Flightless Bird

Start from the beginning

The small contingent of RoyalCorps that remained in the square tried shooting at the bird again. Their bullets dropped to the ground, like useless screws. The bird reacted and turned as fast as its heavy metallic body allowed it. It proved too slow for the tiny RoyalCorps, who scattered in the space, like ants running from the boot.

Smoke and ash filled the air when the bird fired once more. Viola felt the skin on her face burning against the metal that covered it. She coughed as breathing became harder and found herself trapped within her own walls. She was her own personal furnace.

The Viscount pointed to the belly of the beast. "Look! There!"

As the bird released its fiery rage, Viola saw it too. Right at the centre of its breast, a spot lit up through the metallic layers that covered it. When the fire stopped, the spot dimmed and Viola knew they found their target. With its beak opened, ready to fire again, the bird turned to them, but the three hid behind a large pile of stone.

"We need all the power we can gather," Viola yelled, her voice barely audible.

"There's only so many soldiers left," the Shark objected as the bird screeched again. "If we're going out, it better be for something worthwhile."

"If we destroy its flamethrower, we make this fight easier for the others."

The Viscount agreed. "Not one of us will get it done. We need to fire all at once."

The Shark roared, his bloodshot eyes hardly blinking. "Fucking go, then."

The three came out of their hiding place and the Shark gathered all his power to make his voice sound over the war that raged around them. "Soldiers with me!"

A group of eight came out from under the stones, answering the call of their captain. A pitiful parade of sweaty and flushed faces. It wasn't the first time Viola looked at despair in the face. Still, she held back tears when she saw the youngest soldier, a boy no older than sixteen. The air turned heavy with smoke as a putrid scent took over. It was blood and sweat and ammonium and shit, all mixed together. The smell of fear.

"We need to get it to fire again!" The Viscount screamed.

Without saying a single word, one of the soldiers stepped out and ran directly into the bird's gaze. Fire came out, bringing its blazing storm along and drowning the man's screams. But his sacrifice worked. The bright spot on the bird's breast lit up again.

Ten guns pointed towards the light, firing repeatedly. Bullet after bullet crashed against the metal and gunpowder filled her nostrils. With no time to recharge, Viola changed guns and kept shooting, her heart beating so fast, she was afraid it would stop from overwork.

One of the soldiers dropped his gun, no bullets left on it, and Viola's legs threatened to give up. Still, she kept firing. She dropped the second gun and took out the third one. Her mouth, unable to hold her desperation any longer, released the scream trapped in the back of her throat, and all seven of her companions mimicked her.

Time was running out. The bird, now aware of their presence underneath it, tried something different. Its claws aimed towards two of the soldiers, piercing their skulls with their sharpness, splattering their faces with warm blood. Still they kept firing. One more bullet. Just one more. The creature straightened its tail, prepared to launch it at them. One more bullet. Just one more.

A leak of steam shot out of the machine. A horribly hissing sound filled the air as oil dripped from the now wounded bird. She saw the hole the bullet pierced in the bird's breast and howled in triumph. The machine stumbled and roared as the fuel that powered the flamethrower left its body, showering the group.

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