"Welcome to Logan's what would you guys like today?"

"One large pizza with half pepperoni and half cheese, please."

"You got it," the waiter said walking away to go deliver their orders to the kitchen.

Once the waiter had left Loki spoke.

"What's so special about pizza," he questioned.

Adaline chuckled saying for him to just wait and see before asking him how he has liked New York so far.

Loki stated that he liked a lot about it, except for the stares he received as he walked through the streets. Adaline just looked at her hands that were placed on the table.

"I know you noticed them."

Adaline then looked up at him. "I did, but you know their opinions shouldn't matter; they're just random strangers on the street who you will never see again. Why let them determine how you see yourself?"

"I know I shouldn't, but it doesn't make it hurt any less."

They spoke about the topic for a few more minutes before the waiter came out with their pizza.

"Thank you," Adaline said to the waiter before turning to the pizza. "Which do you think is the best slice?"

Loki looked at her oddly, confused as to how there could be a 'best slice'. "How would I know? I've never had it before; but if I had to guess I would choose..." he said looking at each slice before continuing and pointing at one in particular, "this one."

As he reached to grab it, Adaline quickly swooped in and took it for herself. She then held it in her hand as he stared at her with his mouth wide open in surprise.

"Umm,  I was going to grab that one," he said slightly laughing at her actions.

'Well you were too slow."

"Haha very funny Adaline, but I believe that one is the 'best slice'," he laughed slightly mocking her as he reached for it.

Adaline quickly pulled her hand away and licked the pizza from the bottom to the crust. "Nope, I licked it so it's mine."

Loki looked at her with a wide smile on his face before speaking through his laughter. "Okay so let me get this straight. You take me to your favorite pizza place, tell me to choose the best slice and the don't even let me have it?"

"Yep," she said beginning to eat 'his' slice.

"You're such a child," he snickered.


After finishing their pizza, they left the restaurant to go back to the tower, until Adaline realized she wanted to stop at her apartment real quick for some things.

When they got to her apartment and walked up the stairs, Adaline unlocked her door before inviting Loki inside.

Loki looked around noticing the giant windows that took up a whole wall with a chair next to it. Sitting next to the leg of the chair were a few books that Loki was positive Adaline had already read. As he walked farther into the apartment he saw that she had a ruby red room with a bluish-grey bedspread; and even though she hadn't been there for weeks the room still smelled and reminded him of her.

Once she had walked back into the room with a bag containing more clothes and a few extra books, she looked at him as he gazed around before speaking.

"What are you looking at?"

He then looked over at her before returning his gaze to her apartment. "You're apartment is very nice, it reminds me of you."

FROM THE ASHES - L. Laufeyson [1]Where stories live. Discover now