"Shit," I mutter. "I can't do this." I feel a wave of extreme annoyance, the penetrating rage from all the fake smiles flowing my way makes me want to see my therapist. Or, I might be the next Dexter, except without any moral direction.

Mama gives me a stern look, the finger waves of her short black hair catching the lowering sunlight. "If you want to survive for more than a day, deary, listen to Mama. Smile, Child! You look like you grew up in a religious cult and can't function in society without imagining everyone's death."

I force a grin and look at Mama. "Cute. Tell Pierce I'm the wrong girl for this job."

So wrong.

Mama makes a face, her lip-injection red lips purse. "Oh, dear, your smile is terrifying," she says, "we need to work on that."

"No, we won't," I hiss. "You tell him I want out—"

"Good evening," A male in a black suit says with a couple of men behind him. He nods at the building I am standing next to. My gaze slightly widens when I read the massive golden letters.

Le' Roses Enterprises.

Of course.

It's a giant SkyScraper with a mammoth entrance. I look back to the men and force a smile, then I see Mama whisper, "No, noooo smile."

I stop smiling, pulse jumping.

His gaze lands on my chest, and I realize I'm wearing a name tag with numbers on it. The man looks Italian, handsome in that bodyguard-type of way. He is looking me over with a shocked expression on his face then turns to his buddies saying something to them that I can't make out. They look like Italian mobsters, not friendly.

"Hun, Mama here." She speaks in my head, making me tense. "These are Dion's top men. Not his scientists, but the men that do his bidding. Well, they are Dion's father's men. But, from my files, they only take orders from Dion. Dion's best man is Oscar Colaianni, the one talking to you."

Mama looks at me with a shrug then glances at the men. "Excuse me, gentlemen."

They turn to look at Mama. She bats her eyes at them walks up to the one called Oscar. "Darling, this is this is Dion's new secretary just sent from the factory. Just like you ordered." She sounds slightly robotic, but still sultry. "Model, Luna 24, Code: D7463748-20003."

He looks back to me then to his friends with a chuckle, checking his computer-watch. "Who made the new Luna models? Damn."

The fat one frowns, his eyes eating me up. He is sweaty with black curly hair, glistening from some gel against the low sun. "Doesn't matter, Dion needs her. The files need to be relocated."

Oscar walks up to me and sighs. "Luna 24. Command mode."

I weirdly knew exactly what to say. "Systems updated to version 24."

He nods. "Turn on social settings and information input."

"Activated," I say, heart pounding.

"Alright, let's proceed."

"Just follow him, deary. Just look indifferent, no smiling." Mama says like I'm a walking time-bomb.

I follow him into the large entrance of the Le' Rose's doors, and it's like a museum. A bot, I assume, is on an elevated stage that blares a trumpet in a fast beat with his big-band that brings this place alive. I see shops and restaurants littering the main floor, people everywhere. My heels clip on the pale marble ground as I walk fast to keep up with Dion's men.

Fairy Godmother Inc. (Dion's Baby-  Book #5)Where stories live. Discover now