Chapter 3:Promises Don't Last Forever

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(Dylan's POV)

Celebrities names ran through my mind as tried to conjure up a reason for the sudden commotion outside. Someone important had definitely turned up. Maybe it was Rihanna. Oh no, can't be her. She would already be at soundcheck, making sure her mashup of diamonds and where have you been was perfect. Yes, totally forgot about that. Why am I wasting my time thinking about it? It could be anyone. Yes Dylan, get your head out of the clouds and concentrate, don't want to fall over or something here do you. Oops yeah, not in front of everyone. God, now I'm talking to myself. Just go back over to the table where Caleb sat down. Right.

"Jesus Christ. Aren't you Dylan Delorenzo?"

I looked up from the floor, which I had been staring at while listening to my inner thoughts, to the figure standing in front of me. I squinted my eyes. He looked very familiar but I couldn't place him. The first thing that caught me where his eyes. They were incredibly bright blue orbs, that looked icy but also comforting. His light blonde hair stuck up into a tidy quiff at the front. He was cute and adorable. He had a gleaming, pearly white smile on his face.

"Yes I am. And you are?" I took a step closer to him, still trying to work out who he is.

"I'm Niall Horan." Just from that sentence I could tell he was Irish. I adore Irish accents they are just amazing and sound sexy.

"You're accent is so charming." I smiled at him.

"I can tell your not from around here either. You sound like my friend."

"Yes, I'm from the north of England."

"So you want to come to my table? One of my friends absolutely fancy the pants off of you and would love to meet you." He exclaimed excitedly before blushing slightly, embarrassed about what he had just said.

I giggled, placing my hand to my mouth trying to keep them from escaping.

"Of course i'd love to come, but I have to present an award first. Where are you sat, then I can catch up to you later?"

Niall's cheeks were still tinged pink.

"Um... Oh yeah the table. I think its table 34. Or is it 35. Well it one of them. I didn't really take notice. I just rushed here to the food table."

I laughed again. Niall was hilarious.

"Same here. I left my friend at the table and ran over. Right, well I better get going. I'm on in like 10 minutes. See you later." I leaned in and kissed Niall on the cheek lightly.

"Yeah." He seemed in a sort of daze. I waved then turned around entering the main room where the 100s of table were.

Oh sugarplums and fairies. Where did Caleb sit again?


(Niall's POV)

I'm going to sound like a girl, but OMG I just met Dylan Delorenzo. Came over to get some food and I meet the hottest girl in the world. I smiled sinisterly to myself. Harry is going to so jealous. He really does fancy her. Wouldn't be surprised if he has pictures of her up over his walls in his bedroom. Maybe I would tease him. Yes.

After picking up a full plate of food, well that's what I came for, I walked to the concert room. The Staples Center was definitely the largest place I've been in my life, let alone performed at. I still couldn't believe we were actually here though. One Direction, small band from the X Factor UK now worldwide sensations attending 2012s biggest music awards event. It was unbelievable.

"Nialler, mate. You took your time. What were you doing? Consuming the whole table?" Zayn shouted from where he was sat.

I placed my plate on the table before quickly sliding into my seat. Everyone was present. Zayn Malik, check. Liam Payne, check. Louis Tomlinson, check. And most importantly Harry Styles, check. Better begin my story then.

"Well you won't guess who I met?" I leant back smugly into the comfy chair.

"Justin Bieber, it has to be. You wouldn't be so excited or starstruck." Louis exclaimed.

"Nope. Even better."

"Uh. I don't know. An American leprechaun, that would make your dreams come true." Louis said again. I rolled my eyes at Louis typical humor.

"Dylan Delorenzo." I smiled brightly judging everyone's reaction. Harry nearly fell off his chair, on his face was a massive, cheesy grin. The rest of the boys were leant forward in their seats, their mouths hanging open.

"If you are joking Nialler, I will take you're food from you." Harry narrowed his eyes at me and scowled angrily.

I put my hands up in an almost surrender sign.

"No Hazza. She said she will come over after. She has to present an award first." I glared back at him. Nobody threatened the existence of food.

"Oh right. I'm sorry mate for shouting at you." He ran his hands through his famous curls then smiled apologetic at me.

"What did she look like? Was she nice? What did she say?" Questions were fired at me from Louis, Liam and Zayn.

"One question at a time boys. To answer the first one, she was seriously well hot. You'll just have to wait lads and she what she looks like. Answer to the second one is yes. She didn't even know who I was, which was a little strange. She was smiling and laughing at me. She's cute. And guess what, she kissed me on the cheek." I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back into the seat, again with a smirk on my face. I turned to look at Harry. He was muttering curses under his breath.

"I really want to meet her now" Zayn faced me as if begging me to get her to come over and talk to him.

"Like I said before, she will come later."

Before anyone could say anything else, the announcer called through the microphone.

"To award the first prize of the evening, Best Look, is a girl that definitely knows how to look. Please welcome, Dylan Delorenzo." The whole room exploded in applause.

The boys heads snapped to the stage, anticipating her arrival.

I'm just hoping Harry doesn't faint or try and run onto the stage.

Might be hard to explain if that did happen.


Hello again everyone. I can't believe how many reads I have had. Of course its only a small number, but any reads is an achievement.

Also, I am open to any criticism. So please tell me if I am doing anything wrong.

I'll try and update soon.

Almost forget ------> Yes the picture over there is nialler :)


Morgan Lowe

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