Chapter 1:Promises Don't Last Forever

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(.Chapter 1.)

(.Dylan’s POV.)

(.2 Years Later.)

‘Dear Diary,

I know it’s been ages since I have written and confided in you. I’ve been so busy with fashion shows and filming for adverts, that I just don’t have time. Yet I have time to think about him. I can’t stop thinking about him. My first love and the boiy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. And he threw that all away when he got with that stupid slut from Holmes Chapel. I loved him and he betrayed me. Harry fucking Styles. That stupid bastard. It didn’t help that he was famous now. He was everywhere, over the TV, papers and internet. Part of that ‘amazing’ boy band One Direction. They were ok, but I couldn’t listen to them because it brought back memories. Why can’t I just forget him? Wouldn’t that be easier?’

I sighed as I returned the tattered, old diary to its hiding place. Writing in it used to be a daily occurrence for me, but since ciming to America, becoming a model and going international I never have time. I was constantly busy 24/7. Well I was Dylan Delorenzo. Highest earning fashion model in the world and Hollywood’s golden girl.

Standing up from my bed, I shuffled to my bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I didn’t look like the graceful, pretty girl that I did in front of the cameras. My face was drawn and pale, with mascara smudged down my cheeks. My emerald green eyes had lost their sparkle. They were red from tears. Champagne blonde long hair was messed up, sticking out everywhere.

I would really need to sort  myself out. Most certainly by tonight because it was the MTV Music Awards. I was one of the many award givers. Suddenly feeling excited, I grabbed my beautifying utensils and placed them in front of me. I placed some cleasing cream around my face before yanking the hairbrush through the knotted mess atop my head. It started to look more like the glossy waves that were normally in place. Deciding to take the cream of my face, I did my make-up. Mascara covered my long lashes, framing my bright eyes, which now shone with energy and enthusiasm. My full lips were painted with pink lipstick, which standed out against my pale skin. Smiling slightly, I glanced at myself in the mirror. I was actually happy with my appearance. I put everything back away before marching into my walk-in closet to pick my outfit. Even though I wouldn’t be going out, I still wanted to dress nicely. My hands ran along the many clothes I had before landing on the perfect set. Little black shorts, an oversized denim tee and gold gladiator sandals. After putting the clothes on I went back to the sofa and sat down. I took my IPhone off of the coffee table and logged onto twitter, then composed a tweet.

‘@DylanDelorenzo: So excited for tonight at MTV Music Awards. Remember you can still vote for your favorite band/singers at’

I sent the tweet and within a few minutes I had thousands of re-tweets and hundreds of replies. I read though a few of them until I got to one by Caleb Garrett, most popular teen movie star in the world and my best friend.

‘@CalebGarrett: Going to awards with my girl Dylan Delorenzo. Looking forward to it. Love you.’

I smiled brightly. Definitely looking forward to it.

Promises Don't Last Forever (One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now