Chapter 9 - Revelations

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A/N: enjoy this short chapter. Sorry that I did not update earlier. Upper Secondary school has taken a great toll on my mental health and with the death of a near family member (who I only now have somewhat stopped mourning), I've only now been able to sit down and write.

"How long have you known?" Ginny whispered with a concerned frown upon her face.

Hermione bit the inside of her mouth and looked down at her fingers to count the days or hours. It was unusual not to see Hermione perfectly memorising information, however, on such circumstances, Ginny thought that the whole situation was too overwhelming to even think about memorisations. "Forty-nine hours, I believe."

"So what are you thinking?"

She shook her head helplessly, making her hair go everywhere. "I -- I don't know. I'm not ready for children: I have dreams and hope for my future and then this thing happens?" Frustrated, she stood up and walked back and forth facing the floor, running her hands through her bushy hair.

"My life is over, Ginny." she gasped, looking everywhere and nowhere at once. "Over." she repeated.

A woman at the other end of the store looked at the scene with a curious look and Ginny looked her dead in the eye, which made her face grow red and she quickly pretended to be very interested in a mirror in front of her, placing her hands on the edges and nodding to herself.

Ginny stood up, stopping Hermione in her tracks, placing her hands on top of her shoulders. "Don't be stupid, Hermione; it doesn't suit you. This will work out, okay?" she said, wrapping her arms around her and hugging her tightly. "Now, lets just forget about this for a second, you should be happy when we're picking out your wedding dress. I wouldn't want you to look back at this day and remember it as a sad event."

A small sniff came from Hermione as her hand went up to her face to wipe away what Ginny thought to be a small tear, then they let go of each other and Hermione pulled at the sides of her lips creating a smile. She laughed with a fragile voice and sat back down on the cushion, "I don't think I can possibly just forget about it."

"Either way, you can figure out what you want to do about this --" she paused. "--situation some other time."

"Abortion, you mean?"

Ginny furrowed her eyebrows, her nose wrinkling, "What's that?"

"Never mind, it's a muggle thing."


The door opened and Harry and Charlene stepped inside holding hands. For Ginny, it was not a happy reunion, but for Hermione who had never seen the girl in her entire life, it was a pleasant experience to see who her best friend had found happiness with.

"Smile a little." Hermione whispered to Ginny who had swapped places with Hermione in terms of their states of happiness. She then proceeded to walk over to the pair, leaving Ginny behind for a second before she trailed behind.

"Hi!" Charlene said while smiling from ear to ear, rejecting Hermione's attempt at shaking hands with a warm embrace. "It's so good to finally meet you." She pulled away, still smiling.

Hermione seemed speechless, but quickly collected herself and with a smile, said, "Yes, and you too. I've heard wonderful things about you."

Then, Charlene directed her attention towards Ginny. "And it's very good to see you again, Ginny." she said, hugging Ginny who tried her best to hide her glaring eyes so that the other two would not notice.

For a moment, they all stood silently and both Hermione and Ginny understood from the other two's concerned faces that they knew that Hermione had been crying. Quick to notice this, Ginny made an effort to direct the attention to the weather and how it was such a shame that they weren't outside to enjoy it.

How can you mend a broken heart?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ