Chapter 5 - the regretted decision

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Harry's body filled up with adrenaline and before he knew himself, he had cast a magic shield, deflecting all the spells aiming for him.

The spells were reversed and instantly killed their casters. Around twenty death eaters fell at the same and in the middle of the circle of dead men, Harry stood in shock.

He had thought it not to be possible to return such a spell quite so successfully. He looked around and saw multiple Aurors apparating at the scene.

Suddenly, Harry's head felt heavy and the surroundings started spinning. His legs grew weak and he fell to the ground, hitting his head on a rock.

In a different part of Britain, Ginny was still in her bed. The memories of the previous day were too much for her to even consider getting out of bed and therefore, she stared at the sky through her bedroom window.

Then, she heard a knock from her door. When she didn't respond, the voice of Mrs Weasley spoke, "We are heading to St Mungo's, Harry was hurt during an auror mission. Would you care to join us, Ginny?"

"Yes, I'm coming in five minutes, mum!" she said right away as her mind thought only of the question of Harry's well-being. What if something was terribly wrong? she thought.

While her mind thought of all the worst possible answers for her questions, Ginny picked up a pair of trousers from the floor and put them on. Then she picked up a jumper and a pair of socks. She put them on as fast as she could and sure enough, when it had been less than five minutes, she was out of her room and downstairs.

In the living room, Mr and Mrs Weasley were occupied with preparing the fireplace for departure. As Ginny walked to the fireplace, a big scrawny tawny owl flew swiftly through the open window and stopped midair in front of Mr Weasley with a big fresh envelope.

Mr Weasley looked confusedly at his wife and daughter before he untied the letter from the owl's talon. He ripped open the seal and removed the letter from the envelope. The paper was of the most extraordinary kinds, it was thinner than anything Ginny had ever before seen and the colour was unrecognisable; it was such an unusual mix of colours.

Mr Weasley proceeded to unfold the paper that was folded across the middle. His eyes quickly went back and forth as he read the letter and when he was finished, he lowered the hand that was holding the letter, sighed and looked over at his wife. "My brother is in trouble with the Italian ministry."

His expression said everything: this came as a very unfortunate surprise.

Ginny couldn't believe it either, her uncle had been the blandest person she knew and he would never get into any trouble.

Mr and Mrs Weasley looked at each other and gave each other a nod as though they had just read each other's minds. "I'm sorry, Ginny, but we must go to Italy and sort out this mess."

Ginny didn't have much time to think as her parents gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before they left via the fireplace.

Not feeling like travelling through the floo network, she decided that she would apparate to someplace nearby St Mungo's.

"Right," she said to herself as she thought of a destination and in the blink of an eye, she had apparated inside a fitting room in a muggle clothing store.

She was facing a large mirror and she noticed how dishevelled her hair looked. She quickly combed through it with her fingers and although her hair was still dishevelled, it seemed slightly better.

She then turned on her heel and walked out of the fitting room. One of the sales assistants looked at her in confusion and Ginny could tell that she suspected her of something, so naturally: Ginny waved a silly wave and smiled goofily at her as she walked through the shop and out the door.

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