Chapter 4 - the department of high crisis

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As usual, the ministry of magic was full of employees, complainers, regular witches and wizards, squibs and even some muggles.

However, to Harry, everything felt a little different from what it normally was, instead of its normally cold appearance, the ministry now seemed a little happier.

The people around him seemed and he was, in fact, a little happier.

As he thought of his newly found happiness, his best friend, Ron approached him. "Hey, mate!" Ron greeted. "Sorry I couldn't come to your apartment to celebrate your birthday yesterday."

Harry smiled at his friend. "That's not a problem at all, Ginny came and we had fun in some bars."

Ron raised an eyebrow, "You mean to say that after breaking up with her and her completely ending any romance between the two of you, you decided that it would be a good idea to hook up with her?" Ron asked in a confused tone. "I don't know about you mate, but I wouldn't go for that."

Harry almost laughed at his friend, but instead, he smiled at him and said, "No, she, um actually set me up with another woman."

If Ron had been confused earlier, then that was nothing compared to how he reacted to the newest news. "Ginny? Ginny as in the girl who gets super jealous each time you bring a girlfriend to family dinners? Ginny as in my sister who would never, I mean NEVER want to see you with anyone?"

"Yes, to be honest, we were quite drunk and I thought why not? She doesn't want to be with me anyway and I can't live my whole life alone, now can I?" Harry said. He really wanted to mean all of the things he had just said, but in reality, all he ever wanted was for Ginny to proclaim her everlasting love towards him. However, that would never happen and Charlene was, in fact, a very lovely girl.

Ron groaned loudly, pinched the bridge of his nose as he looked up at the ceiling and said, "She really is stupid." Ron lowered his gaze and looked directly into Harry's eyes, "Sure, I love her and all, but how can she not realise that she has made two major wrong decisions? She wants you to find other people, yet can't even be even a little nice to any of your previous girlfriends. Now she does this."

"Mate, if you and this girl becomes a thing then I feel very sorry for whoever she is," Ron said very sincerely and even if Harry didn't want to believe Ron, he knew his friend was correct.

The two men talked while finding their way around the ministry and at last they reached the auror department where the head of the auror department stood waiting impatiently for them.

"There you are!" said the man, motioning for them to follow his quick pace to a different department of the ministry.

"Why, what happened, Watset?" Harry asked as he walked past a group of security guards.

Watset looked down on the silver watch on his hairy wrist and sighed loudly. "The ministry has detected a group of surviving death eaters in Llanwrtyd, a town in mid-Wales." His already fast pace quickened as they passed the main hall of the ministry.

Watset continued talking, "The ministry greatly believes that they are planning an attack on the whole of Powys, the county where you would find Llanwrtyd."

"But why this little town in Wales?" Ron piped in when they stopped by the elevators and waited for one to arrive. "Wouldn't it be smarter to choose London or any bigger towns that are, well, more central?"

Watset looked disappointedly at Ron, yet also angry, "Weasley, do you not see how easy it would be to stop someone in a big town where they are surrounded? No, it's a lot easier for a group of death eaters to take over small towns and then build their way up to greatness."

How can you mend a broken heart?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora