16_woah the view

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After completing yet another dance for a whole song in one day. Wow, I have a lot of spare time. A brief call with my sister and another one with Mariah. I officially have nothing to do.

What about Tristan? He'll hang up on me the second I say I'm bored. As for Jaden, he's on set. Things of being a young actor.

Also I tried calling them both. That's how I know.

The boys just finished soundcheck and started the meet and greet. I have completed my tasks for backstage. Not saying that it's ready to be performed on. Just saying I finished.

"No redbull" I whisper closing the fridge "do I wait on the bus?" I speak to myself walking behind stage.

I turn to my left, getting a glimpse of the hundreds of seats in front of the stage. I slowly walk over seating myself at the end and letting my legs dangle. I let out a sigh before letting my mind wander.

Why am I here? How did I even get convinced? What kind of choreographer am I, if I'm barely teaching anymore?

At this point I should just leave, right? They can easily get other help for backstage. Right?

How many shows are even left? I'll just stick through, but there's no point. I could easily be teaching the young kids some rhythm. I could also be bugging Tristan.

"Oh shit" I whisper "I'm going to New York" I smile "I can see Sydney!" I jump up in excitement "I haven't seen her since Christmas" I run backstage "it was only for a day, this will also only be for a day but I still can't wait!"

I quickly grab my phone "c'mon pick up, you should be done with class any no- hey!" I speak to the phone

"Hello y/n" Sydney speaks

"So, guess what I realized"

"Umm, is it something about the boys?"

"Uh no, eh kinda. I'm on tour right? Well tagging along" Sydney nods "okay so I just realized I'm going to be in New York! New York, New York!"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner! You should totally stop by and see me! You know what, you don't have a choice! I will find you, using your location!"

"It's me we are talking about, of course I wouldn't find out until almost the day before" I laugh going on stage "but look at this" I smile and flip the camera to see the hundreds of empty seats.

"Woah" Sydney sounds

"I know right? It's so huge and it's a different vibe seeing it so empty, and quiet" I sit down back at the edge once again letting my legs swing back and forth. Switching the camera back to me before speaking "I love you Syd"

"and I love you"

"Y/N!" Corbyn yells quickly stomping his way over to me "come quickly" he says his breath heavy

"Uh, got to go byeee" I quickly hang up the phone sticking it in my pocket while running the direction Corbyn left in. "What is it?" I question once he stops in a room.

"Jon just told me to get you quickly" Corbyn shrugs

"That doesn't mean you have to act like someone was hurt or endangered" I argue

"I said quickly because you have people to meet" Jon explains "as for you, I was advised to not leave you alone for more than an hour"

"Tristan?" I ask sitting on the floor against the wall a few feet from the backdrop.

"Yeah, he also said to call him" Jon explains before continuing the meet and greet.

I inhale an excited gasp before quickly facetiming Tristan.

"What up, what up, what up!"

"How's tour going so far?" Tristan asks

"Pretty good, it's getting boring though. I actually thought about just going home" I shrugged

"No need to, we have it covered here. Although it's really different without you here. Plus I'm just getting used to it and it's been two weeks"

"Exactly two weeks is long enough, you must miss me bugging you"

"I don't." Tristan states "just know your energy is missed by more than one person"

"Mariah and?"

"The kids" he finishes

I hang up the phone, I knew he was going to call me back because I was asked to call him for some reason.

"Don't hang up when I'm talking to you!" Tristan scolds

"You deserve it" I laugh

"Fine, I just wanted to check up on you. Heard that you have been giving them a difficult time"

"Difficult? No, more like a fun" I defend

"Y/n we both know you have been drinking redbulls every other day and you're not even going to the studio. How much sleep have you gotten?"

"An okay amount" I mumble

"Y/n! Its not good for you neither is it pleasant for everyone else"

"Nah, it's fine!" I assure "I've been writing again"

"Trying to change the subject" he sighs "that's good, I guess"

"It is! Now when I go back home I can spend even more time in the studio!"

"But on your free time, just don't overwhelm yourself"

"I won't" I smile "plus it means I won't be at the dance studio to bug you so often. Only when I have something scheduled"

"Now that's great news!" He yells excitedly

"Bye" I once again hang up on him. Focusing my attention on the boys greeting many different people and a flash of light from the camera taking a photo.

Dance To Art // D.S.Where stories live. Discover now