Chapter 1: Finding Agent 7

Start from the beginning

~8s POV~

"Tobias and Tobi, you have tried to retreat to the surface again! And for that, you will be punished." "Yes father." Tobi says. "But I wanted to be like sister..." I say. "What have we said about talking about her? She's a traitor and always will be. She may be your biological triplet, but from when she ran away, became one with the surface, I disowned her. You no longer refer to her as sister, or her name, only by traitor. She Is someone to be forgotten, FOREVER!" Our father shouts at us, yet I still feel the need to fight him. "Tori is a great person though! She is--" "ENOUGH!" Father slaps me, causing me to fall back. "Your place is down here, both of you. You will train as elites and you will forget about her. Now go. I don't want to see you in my sight for hours." He tells us. "Yes father." We both exit the room in silence, knowing that anything we said would be pitted against us.

I-I have a sister? Tori? I'm a triplet? Not a twin? Is this why he referred to us as twins? Why did she run away in the first place? I had several questions, but they couldn't be answered yet. I would just have to wait for more flashbacks and maybe  nightmares to come my way I guess.

"Hey 8." 2 says. I finally snap out of my flashback and look up at her. "What did I miss?" I get up and ask. 3 runs over to me and hugs me tightly, I must have worried her. "Are you ok Tobias?" She asks me, still holding on to me. "I'm fine princess, don't worry about me." I kiss her on the lips and hug her back before telling her that we should go home. "8, you need to stay here. 3, 4, you head home and ill make sure 8 catches up soon." 2 tells us all. So I stay at headquarters whilst 3 and 4 head back to our home.

We wait for a few minutes, me not knowing what was going on. Tobi then showed up and asked what he was needed for. 2 simply replied with, "Come with me, you'll both find out soon." Just like she told us to, we follow her until we reach cuttlefish cabin, where inside was 1 and 2s home. She brought us through the house, until we reached a small room on the second floor. It didn't seem to belong to either 1 or 2, so whose was it?

"So, do you both know a girl by the name of Tori?" She asks us. "Yeah, she's our sister. Triplet to be exact..." Tobi said, looking away. He had tears in his eyes, but I didn't know why yet. "Tori was our Agent 13... I considered her as a friend when I met her. I first thought she was like other Octolings, wanted to attack us and take us over. But over time, I got to know her and we became close. She lived here in this house, this was her room. I haven't been in here since... " 2 stopped. The room remained silent until Tobi picked up the conversation. "Since I took her down... I was ordered to with Tobias and I was the only one to come out alive, well that's what I thought. Tobias and another agent were both knocked out and taken somewhere else. I searched for him, but never found him. So I took Tori to father who said to put her in the Metro, where no one would know she was dead." Tobi explains.

It all makes sense now...

Tori ran away when we were younger. Father disowned her and hated us talking about her because she became agent 13. We then were told to take her out, and we successfully did it. I then fell into the metro during that fight, causing me to loose my memory. Tobi must have escaped father after completing the mission and became a citizen on the surface. I then defeated Tar Tar, making 3 trust me as I had saved the world and also defeated several Octolings, bosses and the most dangerous villain at that time.

"So your telling me, we killed our own sister, and a friend of yours 2, as well as an agent?" I asked. She nodded and I started to tear up like the rest of them. We all stayed silent until 2 spoke up again. "Well, that's in the past. I just wanted to tell you now since you said her name earlier 8. I should have told you earlier, but I've never brought myself to do it. You should both go now, go chill out." She tells us, leading us out of the house.

We enter Inkopolis through the manhole in silence. Not a single word came from either of our mouths. To think we killed our own sister, and we never really got to say goodbye. It was heart breaking. We both continued to walk in silence before saying bye to each other and making our way back to our homes.

~Tori's POV~

It's a normal day for me. Others may call it a terrible day, but im used to being tortured at this point. 7 just keeps asking for info about the Squidbeak Splatoon since she found out I was part of it, but I had to keep telling her the same thing.

"I haven't been there in years, 7. I don't even know if my brothers are alive. I just remember being defeated by an elite, bieng brought down to the metro, and everyone thinking I was dead." This time, I mentioned my brothers. I had never mentioned them before to her, but this time I had to. "Brothers you say? What are their names?" She asks. I never really gave in to her questions, but this time I felt like it had to. "Tobias and Tobi." I told her. She stopped in her tracks and turned to look at me. "That's interesting. Seems I'm going to have a new way to torture you soon. Your done for now. Octolings, take her back to her cage." Im grabbed by my arms and taken away again. 7 remained in the room and thought to herself. I knew what she was planning, and I just hoped to Cod he wouldn't fall for it.

~3s POV~

"Hey guys." Tobias walks through the door, crying slightly. So I walk up to him and give him a huge hug. "You wanna talk about it?" I ask. "No, not really." He says. "That's fine, but you better get happy, we are ordering takeaway as a celebration for finding Sonia's whereabouts and playing games. If you aren't happy whilst doing that, I'm bugging you until you tell me what's wrong." He smiles and laughs slightly at what I said. I knew that it would work since if he doesn't tell me what's wrong, I always do this to him, and it works every time.

~4 hours later~

We played Just shapes and beats until our pizza arrived, taking it in turns at playing levels, although several times I had to reset my game because a character didn't spawn in when it had to. It confused us alot, but we still enjoyed playing it when we could anyway. When pizza arrived, we sat on the couch, laughing about everything that had happened to us over the years. We all enjoyed each others company, even though Sonia wasn't here. Soon after, we all became tired and decided to get some sleep. Leon went to his room first--well the spare bedroom. Tobias and I had been sleeping in the same room together since we were married, so the other bedroom wasn't used. I was the next to go to bed, but Tobias said he'd come in after checking in on Leon.

~8s POV~

"You ok Leon?" I walk into the room and see him sat in the edge of the bed. "I feel amazing. Can't wait to get to see Sonia again." He tells me. I smile at him, I was pleased that he was happy, but then his voice became sadder and he stopped smiling. "Its weird though. About a year ago I was the one kidnapped and Sonia was looking for me, but that's completely changed. The roles have done a full 180. I'm the one searching now." He starts to cry a little, so I sit next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Its all gonna be fine. We know her location and we will bring her home soon enough, you just have to be patient." I remember that I told Sonia this when she missed Leon alot, and just like it comforted Sonia, it comforted Leon. "Thanks Tobias." He says, smiling. I lift my hand of his shoulder and leave the room, giving him some space and private time. Afterwards, I enter mine and Cora's room and see Cora sat in bed waiting for me. As I'm getting changed, Cora asks me how he's doing.

"He's doing ok, he just misses Sonia alot and wants to see her again." I tell her as I finish and get into bed with her. "That's good. At least he isn't as sad as before." She says, laying her head on my chest and snuggling up to me. "I love you Tobias." She tells me after a few seconds of silence. I look down to her and kiss her on the lips. "And I love you too Cora." We then talk a little longer about the future and things we want to happen before we fall asleep together.

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