Chapter 11

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I didn't speak. I was still processing what he said. Shoto, motherfucking Half and Half, called me pretty.

"What the hell!?"

"That was a joke."

"It wasn't a funny one, scum." I snapped. The bastard really had the audacity to say that was a joke, leaving me disappointed... What the fuck.

"Tch. Asshole." I muttered.

"Would you prefer if I was serious?"

"No!" I lied.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes! I'm completely fucking sure!"

I stomped my way over to Dunce face. It was better than being near Icyhot.

"Todoroki called you pretty? And then said it was a joke?? Today is really is weird."

"Shut the hell up!"

Denki shrugged, continuing to build a sand castle with Kyoka.

"Wait- What do you mean by 'Today is really weird.' Somethin' happen?"

I really didn't care, but I didn't want to think about Half n' Half's comment.

"No! Denki was just spewing crap. Ignore him." Jiro glared at Kaminari. There was probably something going on, but I didn't pry. It's most likely nothing of importance. Just idiots being idiots.

"Oi. Can I borrow that water gun?"


I grabbed it and sprinted towards Icyhot's direction. This only caused me to hate the sand even more. Honestly, how can people stand this shit?

I didn't care that it was childish to be running around with a water gun and shooting my classmates. I just wanted to get back at Half and Half for being a prick.

"Oi! Icyhot!"

He didn't turn around.

So, I shot him in the back of the head.

He still didn't turn around, continuing his conversation with Deku.

"Uh, Todoroki? You aren't going to do anything about Kacchan shooting you?" Deku whispered.

Half and Half shrugged, finally turning around.

"Do you need something from me-"

The water hitting his face cut him off.

"Was that really necessary?" He asked in his normal monotonous voice.

"Yes. It was very necessary, scum." I said smirking.

He let out a sigh.

"Midoriya, I'm going to go back now. We can go exploring later."

Deku nodded.

"Oi Bastard! Where the hell are you going?"

"To rinse off the sand. Why? Would you like to go back to the house with me?"

I didn't answer.

The thought of Half n' Half showering entered my brain, causing me to internally panic. It's not like I haven't seen his body before, yet for some reason the thought makes me feel weird today.

Icyhot had already started walking away.

I decided I'd go with him, so I ran up ahead of the bastard. I prefer it when extras walk behind me.

We eventually found ourselves at Yaoyorozu's rental.

As soon as we stepped inside he grabbed me.

"Who are you interested in?"

sorry the chapter was short, ive been suffering from writer's block recently. i'll try to continue updating every thursday.

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