Chapter 6

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We were about 20 minutes away from the beach when I woke up. I felt someone's head lying on my shoulder.

As expected, it was Bakugo. I didn't want to wake him, though I was surprised that he fell asleep.

He typically just stares out the window. When no one disturbs him, he looks peaceful.

I didn't want to be the one to wake him, simply because appeared to be so calm.

The bus came to a stop. I looked around to see the excited expressions of my classmates.

A weight lifted off my left shoulder. I turned to see Bakugo. He went back to looking out the window, although he did seem embarrassed. I can't blame him. Our classmates probably saw what happened too...

Yaoyorozu explained to us how the housing would work before we had come here so we'd be prepared.

I ended up staying in the house closet to the beach.


It's just my luck that I'd end up with Bakugo again.

I may have slightly considered him a friend, (although it wasn't mutual) but that only makes my situation more uncomfortable.

I didn't want to help him again. Especially since he's obviously not happy about receiving help. Bakugo has also made it blatantly obvious that he doesn't like me.

Hoping that this time he'd share a room Kirishima, I sat down on what was going to be my bed for the next two days.

We were all starving and I recalled someone saying that they were planning on splitting up into smaller groups before going out to eat dinner. It was most likely Midoriya who had mentioned it..

I dropped my bag next to my bed, deciding that I'd go eat at the first place that I found.

My phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket to see that it was Ochaco.

"Hello?" She asked.


"We were wondering if you wanted to have dinner with us. We found this restaurant and apparently, it's really good."

"Uh, who's 'we?"

"Oh! Izuku, Tsu, and Iida."

"Then I'll join you guys, it can't be bad."

"Great! I'll send you the location. See you soon."

With that, she hung up.

. .

I saw Ochaco waiting outside of the restaurant.

"Is everyone else inside?" I asked.

"Yeah! We weren't sure if you'd spot the place since it is kinda tiny, so I figured I'd wait for you outside." She explained.

"Thanks." I smiled at the small yet kind gesture.

We walked in and sat down with Iida, Tsuyu, and Midoriya.

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