The Infernal Cart and The Wand

Start from the beginning

"Might as well get our wands." I said. "I'm excited!"

"Mhm," he said "I wonder how we get them. Do we like get to choose which one we get?"

"How should I know?" I muttered under my breath.

We both walked to the wand shop. There was no one inside. "Hello? Mr. ollivander?"

An old man with gray hair slid down a counter on a tall ladder unexpectedly.

"Ahh, I've been wondering when the day will come and I shall meet you. Mr. Potter, Ms. Bl- L/N. Come to get your wands I presume?" Asked the man who i suspected to be Mr. Ollivander. (If your name starts with Bl- then... conjure up a different last name.)

Harry finally has the man in him to nod his head firmly. Ollivander then was muttering to Harry about how it seemed like almost yesterday that his parents came in ... blah blah blah. That kind of stuff.

"Now, lets see. Perhaps this one." He said, hanging Harry a wand as I stood awkwardly in the back. "Well? Give it a wave." Harry gave it a wave alright. And what happened? Papers and boxes flew to the floor, colliding with the wooden boards.

"Sorry" Harry muttered.

Ollivander waved his hand to dismiss this comment. "It just wasn't the fit." He moved around some more boxes then pulled out another one. Harry gave it a wave.

Please don't break anything, please don't brea-

Just as I was thinking that, a rather pretty looking lamp exploded in my face. I ducked.

"Sorry, sorry!" Harry exclaimed.

I just shook my head as Ollivander went to the back of the shop and pulled out yet another box while muttering, "I wonder, I wonder" to himself. He handed it to Mr. Adorable Harry carefully. He waved it but instead of exploding, there was a faint golden light glowed around him.


"Curious, curious" was all ollivander said.

"Sorry, but what's curious?" Harry asked rather bravely.

"I remember every wand I've ever sold Mr. Potter. Every single wand. It so happens to be that the Phoenix who's tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather; just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand, when it's brother, gave you that scar."


"Yes, thirteen and a half inches. Yew. Powerful wand. Very powerful..."

When it was finally my turn to get a wand, I stepped forward. Mr. Olivander gave me a few wands, one causing boxes to fall, another breaking a lightbulb. Then he handed me a wand, told me to wave, and the same light surrounded me, but slightly more powerful then Harry's. "Ahh, yes, of course. Although you don't really need one. This is yours. 14 inches, Elder wood, flexible, dragon heartstring core."


"Yes," He replied drily.

"Mr. Olivanders? What did you mean my me not needing one?" I asked cautiously.

"You will find out all in due time, Ms. L/N..." Mr. Ollivanders trailed of mysteriously. Me and Harry paid for the wands and went out. There, we met Hagrid carrying two identical cages. Inside them were owls! He handed harry a snowy white owl and gave me a black owl with penetrating electric blue eyes, which i later discovered to be a Greater Sooty Owl. I decided to name him Nightstar. (If you dont like the name, you can change it to your preference.) Harry named his owl Hedwig.

Next of, we went to a book store called Flourish and Blots. It was a rather large book shop with green painted walls. Inside were hundreds of thousands of books, waiting to be read. I glanced at my list and put all the school books i needed in my arm. We paid and left the store. Then we went to a potions supply store. Me and Harry stared at almost everything inside, as we looked for the ingredients that were required.

Unfortunately, we had to leave Diagon Alley all too soon. I longed to stay in the magical world but we had to go to the London Underground to board the Hogwarts Express Train. As much as i wanted to go it was painful, going back out into the muggle world. I had to pinch myself multiple times to make sure it was all real then walked of with Harry and Hagrid.

Word count: 1365

A/N: ok. I am sorry. I am waaayyyy to busy with school and my phone got confiscated, school drama, writer's block and that kinda stuff got in the way of continuing this story. However, i want to thank everyone who is reading this story. I checked the book reads and i-

Hope i can update sooooonnnnn.
Anyway have a nice day/night and .... bai. ~

Dat one gay-ass pothead.

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