The Infernal Cart and The Wand

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Y'all I'm back!

Your POV:

Me and Harry gasped. Inside there were mounds of gold coins and pillars of silver, and heaps of bronze. And it was all Harry's . It must've been a small fortune. Incredible. "All yours." Hagrid said, smiling at Harry.

"That's amazing.." I breathed out. I was gaping at the money as Harry bent down to scoop up some of it into a small pouch. "The gold ones are galleons, the silver ones are sickles, and the bronze ones r' knuts. Right now that should be enough fer a couple of yer terms." Hagrid told Harry. He turn around to face the goblin and added "Ms. L/N's vault now please. Oh, and can we go a bit slower this time?"

"One speed only" the goblin replied stiffly.

We clambered back into the seats and sped of. The air became colder and colder as we rode deeper into the passageway. We stopped once more at my vault. The goblin did whatever he needed to do to open the vault. Inside it looked almost identical to Harry's. It might as well have had a few more piles of galleons though. Hagrid passed me a pouch like the one Harry was carrying and I scooped up some of the money. How did I not know about this? Were my parents wizards and witches too? We backed out of it and Hagrid bent down to tell the goblin, "vault 713 now"

If it was even possible it got colder the deeper we got. I was shivering. It was like living in Antarctica! We stopped in front of the third door and Griphook opened it carefully as handling a bomb. I was expecting something big or mystical, but as I bent around Hagrid to get a better look, I was disappointed. In the center of the ginormous room was a small paper/linen wrapped.... something. I didn't know what it was. It was small for sure and didn't look so important as everyone was acting like it was. I. Was. Confused. Hagrid picked the package up and put it in one of his many pockets of his coat.

"Come on, back in this infernal cart. Try not to speak to me, best if i keep me mouth shut." Hagrid told us as we once again clambered back in the cart.

One speedy cart ride later we were standing in the sunshine outside the palace-like bank. "Might as well get yer uniform" Hagrid said, nodding his head towards a shop called 'Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions'. "Listen harry, Y/N, would yeh mind if I slipped of fer a pick-me-up in the leaky cauldron? I really hate them gringotts carts." Hagrid asked. I had to agree, the carts did make me feel quite nauseous.

Hagrid left and me and harry went up to the shop. We were quietly arguing about who would go in first.

"You do it."

"No you do it."

"You have more experience with magic!"

"They say lady's first"

We kept going at it until I finally gave in. I walked in the shop, and called out . Harry went in after me.

"Hello? Can we have a Ho-" I got cut of by who I assumed to be Madam Malkin.

"Of course, you are here for your Hogwarts uniform. Yes?"

Harry nodded.

"Very well. You first" she said pointing to me. " On the platform."

She took out her wand and started to make measurements. She found the fit and I payed for it. She did the same to Harry and we left.

"That wasent so hard was it?" Harry asked me lightly.

"Oh, no it wasn't. You could have done it"

He rolled his eyes and instead asked "So what's next on the list?" I unfolded the list and scanned the the parchment.

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