🌎time is ticking 🌎

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one more day till connie had to go home  and go back to school now that spring break is almost over , connie sleep in steven bed and steven sleep next to her curl up in a little ball , there slumbler didnt last long to little monsters woke up screaming for food luna and cosmos the twins . steven and connie woke up and give the twins there food and then connie and steven  at their breakfast. after an good  breakfast connie phone was ringing , she look at the name and then went outside to talk .

- on the phone -

connie : hey mom

Priyanka : hey connie we cant wait to see you tomorrow

connie : me too

connie tail swing back and forth a little .

Priyanka : your father is having the day off and clean your room so it can be clean

connie : that good ,  i guess i see you tomorrow bye

Priyanka : bye sweetie

- off the phone -

connie put her phone away and look out at  the ocean and how the waves crushes into the beach . that moment last till she feel somone touching her shoulder and somthing pulling her tail .

garent " hey connie "

connie " hey garent , hey cat steven "

garent " you going home tomorrow huh ? "

connie " yeah i cant wait but im leaving steven and i know i be visiting him and stuff  "

garent put her hand on connie shoulder and rub it , garent see what happens in the future .

the rest of the day connie , steven , and the gems spend time with each other  like laughing and playing borad games .

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