🌙new thing🌙

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it was the next morning when connie was sleeping then she woke up from an screaming steven down stairs . she quickly went down stairs in her pjs and saw pearl pulling thrones out steven body , which by the way he was cover in .

connie " good ... morning what happen here "

pearl pulled another throne out steven skin , connie knows that most have hurt .

pearl " morning connie , steven went in a throne brush while digging through the garbage again , now he in pain and stinks "

connie " steven chould you wait "

steven " nooo i cant wait for food plus there was a yummy lizard i was chasing "

pearl " you doing ok connie ? "

connie touch her head where her horns was going down some

connie " yeah im fine so couple more days huh '

couple hours later connie and steven was up stairs wacthing a movie while the twins was asleep , connie hug her tail and wacth the show ,steven notice and look at her .

steven " you ok ? you holding your tail "

connie " yeah im fine , i have to go home in two days , i will miss you but i will visit "

steven smiles and lay his head back down and wacth the movie . after the movie was over connie nose started twitching .

Steven was down stairs watching the cake mix to drop on the floor he wasn't the only one that was watching the cake mix also amethyst was watching as well she was shapeshift as an dog to get it . connie came down the stairs and smile that pearl was making somthing in the kitchen

connie " what you making ? "

pearl " some cakes that is safe for steven and well your stomach "

connie " well somthing smells good mmm "

pearl " it the oven preheating dont worry "

after the cakes was made connie help pearl clean up the dishes and then reward her self with some cake .

words : 354

i hope you guys like this chapter bye

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