𝟎𝟎𝟓. why tempt the scheming mother

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❛ everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves ❜

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THROUGHOUT THE WOODS AND FIELDS, THE ONLY THING THAT BROKE THE SILENCE FOR A PERIOD OF TIME WERE THE RHYTHMIC HOOVES OF GALLOPING HORSES. Anthony had woken his sister early in the morning before the sun had even risen, and dragged her out for a morning ride. They rode for what seemed like an entirety, with adrenaline coursing through her veins, she felt more awake than she had ever been before.

Upon reaching the top of the hill, Calliope skillfully controlled her horse by gently tugging on the reins, causing it to transition smoothly from a swift gallop to a gentle stroll. Anthony replicated the same action, casting a quick glance over his shoulder, as he noticed that his sister had fallen behind, waiting for her to catch up to him.

Calliope gently patted her horse's neck allowing Meadow, to take a break as the physical strain of continuous riding was starting to show for the horse. She looked around and was quick to appreciate that there was no one else in the vast open field that lay outside the boundaries of the city of London.

"What happens if Nigel Berbrooke actually proses to Daphne." Calliope asked directly, looking forward avoiding the sharp look that Anthony had sent towards her.

"I thought that you always knew what my next step of this plan was. Lord Berbrooke may be persistent, but he is harmless. No one pays him any mind, sister. I certainly do not. Neither should you." Anthony asserted, as his posture became rigid and commanding on top of his horse.

She heaved a sigh and refrained from rolling her eyes at her brother's arrogance. "If that is your honest opinion of the vile man, why do you think that he deserves to have Daphne for a wife? She is the best of us Bridgerton's, Anthony, she is truly the diamond of the season."

"I am protecting her. I have it all arranged." Anthony declared, though his every word was dripping with the weight of responsibility.

"You have arranged to have your sister despise you for the rest for her life." Calliope sighed, looking up at her brother in earnest. "She is not like us Anthony." "We are the realists in the family whilst the rest of them are idealists and optimists."

"I'm doing what is best for her, in time you will all see."

"What's best for her is for you not to control her season with an iron fist." Calliope stated with sincerity evident in her voice as she readjusted herself on her horse's back. "You are doing the same thing to Daphne that you did to me. You insinuated yourself into her season and you have managed to scare every worthy suitor away."

𝗴𝘂𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗼𝘀𝗲𝘀, bridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now