Phantomhive x Trancy Pt. 26

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((Should I give my chapters actual names))?

It was twelve-thirty in the afternoon. Ciel sat up and looked around for Sebastian, (not very well), but he couldn't find him any where. "Alois do you know where he could be?"

"Well I could summon Claude, he could probably tell us." The blonde replied. "Ciel, what time is it?"

"Twelve-thirty, why?" The bluenette asked.

"I have to go do something, I'll be back in half an hour love." The seme ran off before Ciel could protest.

'What's so great about twelve-thirty?' He wondered.

The butlers, and Alois, were sitting in Sebastian's room watching 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.'

"I can't believe Ciel doesn't watch this." Alois said stunned.

"Indeed it's quite wonderful." Sebastian nodded.

"And, it has a great plot." Claude added.

"Who's your favorite pony?" Alois asked them.

"Applejack." Sebastian smiled.

"Fluttershy." Claude slightly blushed.

"Who's yours?" They asked in unison.

"Pinkie Pie." He giggled.

They all got quiet once it was back on.

When it ended they all sang the song quietly. Then, calmly walked upstairs like nothing happened.

Ciel ran to them. "What were you doing?!"

Claude, Sebastian, and Alois looked at each other. Then, looked at the bluenette. "It isn't important and doesn't concern you." They said in unison. Then, all looked away.

Ciel was a bit stunned by their unison. "Fine, whatever."

This happened every day.

The younger earl was getting fed up. Then, one day he heard whispers from Sebastian's room. He quietly opened the door. Sebastian, Claude, Alois, Grell, Ronald, Adrian, and William were there watching 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.'

When the show was over he finally spoke. "Why are you all watching this crap?"

Every person glared and started explaining how the show was perfect.

At the end, they all brohoofed.

Ciel facepalmed. Firstly, everyone was wearing a MLP shirt. Secondly, they were holding a stuffed pony of their choice.

Grell was holding Rarity. William was holding Twilight Sparkle. Adrian with Rainbow Dash. Ronald with Scootaloo. Claude with Fluttershy. Alois with Pinkie Pie. And, to his surprise Sebastian even had one, Applejack.

Ciel was stunned and annoyed. "How can you stand that show?"

The blonde stood up. "Ciel, we just do. It's a great way to relax and learn to be nicer to people. If you don't like it, fine then you don't, but we adore MLP. If you wish to judge go ahead, but we don't judge you." Alois finished.

The bluenette couldn't believe his seme remained so calm. 'Wow...' The younger earl walked back upstairs to his room. He soon fell asleep and dreamed he turned into a pony. He hated the dream, but woke up with a warm feeling in his heart. The uke walked downstairs and apologized.

They all forgave him. Then, went back to their normal lives like nothing happened.

Ciel was curios. 'Sebastian and William weren't even arguing. What's so great about this damn show?' Ciel fell in love with Princess Luna. 'This show is perfect.' He, unlike everyone else had a hard time hiding the fact that he loved it. The bluenette stayed in his room all day and watched it. The uke ran downstairs. "Get me a Princess Luna plushie." He begged Sebastian.

"What's the magic word?" The butler smirked.

'Damn him.' "Please please please Applejack?"

Sebastian blushed dark. "Of course my lord." He bowed.

"Can you do it before Friday when you all meet again?" The young earl begged.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." He chuckled.

"I swear I'll hit you." The boy muttered.

"So, you don't want her? And, I have to banish you to the moon?" Sebastian loved this.

Ciel hugged him. "I'm sorry..."

"Actually, I had a feeling you'd choose her." Sebastian walked to his room. "Here." He said handing Ciel the plushie.

Ciel flapped his wrist quickly trying not to fanboy. 'I can't even oh my god. I can't even!'

"Not done." The butler handed him a t-shirt.

The earl hugged him tightly. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He jumped up and down.

Sebastian patted his head. "Please do relax now sir."

"Okay." Ciel took a deep breath. He put on the shirt, over his other clothes, and hugged the plushie. Then, quickly walked to his room and laid on his bed hugging it.

Next Friday Ciel walked down to Sebastian's room at twelve-thirty.

Everyone looked at him.

Sebastian stood up and did Applejack's voice. "May I introduce Princess Luna, our newest brony?"

Everyone cheered and stomped their feet. They were all crammed on Sebastian's bed.

Ciel blushed dark and walked in. They moved apart so Ciel could sit by Alois. A few decided to lay in the floor.

The episode they watched actually was about Princess Luna.

Ciel smiled and hugged the plushie.

It was a wonderful week.

((Applejack is actually my favorite pony. And, I don't care if you didn't like this chapter because you aren't a fan of MLP. I think we need a bit more kindness in our cruel world. I don't care if you choose to not read my fanfic anymore because of this. Because, I AM A BRONY! And, I enjoy writing this story. So there. Have a magical day. Last thing *brohoofs* other BRONY readers.))

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