Phantomhive X Trancy Pt. 4

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The next morning, Sebastian walked into Ciel's room. Ciel was still asleep hugging his pillow. Ciel mumbled something.


Sebastian froze. 'So, he does love Alois.' Sebastian thought to himself. 'Interesting...I wonder...' Sebastian went to the bedside and kneeled down. The tea tray was on its stand, but the curtains remained close. Since Sebastian is a demon he can mimic voices. Being a crow demon helps with that also.

"Ciel, Ciel help Claude is hurting me!" Sebastian mimicked in Alois' voice to see his master's reaction.

Ciel jumped awake and grabbed his gun. He pointed it at Sebastian's head.

"Claude!" Ciel froze, then pulled back realizing it was only Sebastian.

"Good morning to you also, master."

By that time, the tea was poured and the curtains drawn back.

"Here is your tea." Sebastian said, handing Ciel a cup.

"What's my schedule?"

Sebastian handed Ciel two letters and replied, "A ball and a letter from Earl Trancy."

Ciel blushed at the phrase "Earl Trancy." "Alios sent me another letter?"

"Indeed." Sebastian replied.

"D-did you read it?" Ciel's face was as red as Grell's hair.

"Of course not master." Sebastian chuckled quietly.

Ciel hadn't noticed. He carefully opened Alois' letter. It read:

'Dear Ciel,

I'd like to thank you so much for coming over yesterday. I had so much fun and I hope you did too. Please don't let your nosy butler read this. I know he'd make fun of you for it. Well I hope we can be together more often. Speaking of that, I'm going to the ball! I'll see you there love~.

~Love Alois,

your boyfriend.💙'

Ciel folded the letter and blushed super dark. By then, Sebastian burst out laughing. As he was watching his master he couldn't help it. Ciel continued blushing dark. He finally noticed Sebastian laughing.

"Sebastian stop that this instant!" He was extremely embarrassed.

Sebastian stopped laughing instantly. They both remained quiet. Alois woke up smiling. Claude as usual was irritated. Alois sat up and looked at Claude. Claude got him dressed and served him tea. He didn't even bother saying, "Good morning" to Alois.

'I know he's only my butler, but a "Good morning, your highness." Would've been nice.'

Claude handed him the letter for the ball, it was tomorrow from noon to seven o'clock. Alois was super excited.

"Hannah!" He yelled.

She quickly entered his room. "Make me an outfit!" He said before she could speak.

"What color, your highness?" She asked kindly.

"Don't be so stupid! Gold, it goes with navy blue~" he said angrily then happily.

"Yes, your highness." Hannah bowed and exited.

Alois was fully dressed and went downstairs. He had a plate of eggs waiting for him. He sat down and grabbed his fork. Alois stabbed a yolk as hard as he could and swirled it around.

"So much potential, that becomes nothing more then my breakfast." He smirked as his eyes narrowed.

Alois carefully ate his breakfast. At four o'clock Hannah finished. She made twenty outfits.

"Master, I-I didn't know exactly what kind of suit y-you wanted so I made a f-few." She said timidly.

"You fool! I asked for one. Fine whatever I'll go look."

Hannah led Alois to his room. He looked at all the suits. Alois put then over his arm. Then, he walked in front of his mirror. He held one up.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Eh. Shit. Ugh. Shit. Shit. Shit. Ugh. Shit. Eh. Shit. Shit. Eh. Ugh. Oh no. Shit. PERFECT!"

He finally reached number twenty, which of course was the one he wanted. All the other outfits were thrown across his room.

"Hannah clean this mess up now!" He screamed.

"Y-yes, your highness." Hannah started gathering up the clothes. Ciel on the other hand, called his tailor.

"Something navy blue...that would go well with a gold suit. If you don't mind." He said politely.

She nodded and got to work. The outfit was done in an hour.

"Very good, thank you." He nodded.

She soon left and Ciel went to bed. Both boys woke up. It was the morning of the ball. Sebastian walked into his room.

"Thanks for teaching me the waltz." Ciel slightly blushed.

"Of course my young lord." He smiled.

Alois was super excited he skipped around happily. It was finally noon and both earls arrived at the ball around the same time. Alois ran over then got on one knee and kissed Ciel's hand. Ciel of course blushed super dark. Sebastian looked down at him, smirking. The queen came and said a few words then the dance began. Alois took Ciel's hand.

"Do you know the Viennese Waltz?" Alois asked.

Ciel nodded. "Sebastian taught me."

They began dancing and Ciel had a ton of fun. A man approached them.

"Why are you dancing with another boy?" He asked gruffly.

'What do I do oh no no no?!' He panicked in his mind.

Sebastian walked over in a tutor outfit. "Teaching how to dance of course. They both know the basic dances, but Earl Phantomhive wanted to try a highly advanced step. Am I correct?"

Ciel looked at the other man. "Yes, of course. Why else would I dance with a man?!"

The man looked away. "My apologies." He walked off.

"Thank you." Ciel said to Sebastian.

Sebastian smiled and nodded. The ball finally ended and Ciel was exhausted.

"Thanks for dancing Ciel." Alois said kindly.

Ciel smiled. "Anything for you~", he said quietly to Alois.

Sebastian started chuckling. Both, Alois and Ciel blushed dark. They both went home awhile later. Then, bathed and went to bed.

"I love you Alois~", Ciel whispered into his pillow.

"I love you Ciel~", Alois whispered into his.

They both fell asleep.

(Sorry for swearing. And if I offended any of you. But, in that era...either way sorry).

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