||Chapter 8||

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//Shuichi POV//

Everything was going fine until I saw my Ex Best Friend, Kaede Akamatsu.

We stopped being friends when I found out she was cheating on me.

I stared at her. She stared back. We just had this 'staring contest' until Kokichi spoke up.
"Hey, are you just gonna stare at her and cheat on me or what?" I snapped out of the stare and then looked at Kokichi, feeling my face heat up.
"I-I uhhhh... It's not like that!" I quietly yelled. Akamatsu was staring at me with this scowl on her face.

She wasn't the woman she used to be.

//Kaede POV//

Him, again.

Seriously, Saihara is a great guy, but not for me. He is a bit *too* nice and stuff. Rantaro is way better.

I didn't expect him to get in, honestly. He is pretty stupid sometimes and he doesn't focus well under pressure.

And that boy with him, who is that? He acted like him and shuichi are dating. But shuichi wasn't holding hands with him. That's weird.

//Kokichi POV//

I stared at shuichi like we were dating. Huge mistake. People started crowding us and asking us about our relationship. Shuichi kept denying it and I tried to block them out until I heard a voice I would have never imagined I would hear again.

Rantaro Amami. All the thoughts came flooding into my head. All the memories. I held them back by clearing my throat.
"Can everyone please go away." I said. Everyone quietly mumbled something and then left. Rantaro stayed though. Shuichi stared at us together like we were dating..

"Hey, I'm Rantaro Amami. You are?"
"S-Shuichi Saihara..."
"Nice name! So Saihara, I see you are friends with my 'little brother' Ouma here-"
I finally spoke up.
"Rantaro, we aren't brothers. Just because we hung out a lot as children, doesn't mean we are brothers." I said, sternly.
"I- Kokichi..."
"Kokichi, Wait!" Shuichi said as I drifted down the hall. We were very early so we had loads of time to spare.
I ran into the boys bathroom and locked myself into a stall. I started crying my eyes out.

And then I blacked out.

Hello people. I haven't been feeling great lately due to monthly problems, but I'm getting better. Thanks for reading and I'll update again soon!

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