|| Chapter 5 ||

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(Wait before this starts I just wanted to say thanks for reading this and uh u like da ball monokuma)

//Kokichi POV//

We walked into the McDonalds and immediately rushed to the counter. I picked out the triple cheeseburger with no pickles or onions. I don't know or remember what shuichi got, it's not relevant. Anyway, we ordered our food and waited for it. I immediately rushed to the play place, shuichi in tow behind me.

"Kokichi wait!" He said, pretty loud. I ignored him and crashed into the play place. I took my shoes off, put them in the cubby, and rushed up to the top. When I got up there, I could see shuichi taking off his shoes, probably to chase after me. I heard steps from the floors below and waited for my fate.

"Oh my god, kokichi, how did you get up here so fast" Shuichi said, clearly out of breath. He pushed up onto the final step and hit his head. He scooted onto the ledge and rubbed his head. I chuckled and sat next to him. He immediately pulled out his phone and started to watch YouTube, I think. I heard something like a YouTube channel introducing themselves and decided to lean in. Turns out, he was watching Danny Gonzalez
(Ngl one of the best commentary YouTubers ever) I watched with him until the thing he had, the food ringer, buzzed loudly, causing us to get up and run to get the food. We arrived at the counter and they gave us the food on a nice little tray. Shuichi grabbed its and we went to sit down.

//Shuichi POV//

We sat down at a table and kokichi immediately grabbed his food out of the bag. I grabbed mine out slowly and opened it without spilling anything. Kokichi, on the other hand, spilt some of his fries on his lap. Not to lie, I kinda wanted to steal them. He chucked them into his mouth and opened his burger packaging. I ate my fries while checking my phone.

||30 Minutes Later||

We finished up, and left to my car. Kokichi dashed to the passenger seat and sat down. We still had our drinks with us so he put that in the cup holder. I put my drink in the cup holder and started the car. We drove to campus while listening to the radio.

We arrived and walked up to the elevator, then arrived at our room which kokichi unlocked sloppily.
(Is sloppily a word?)
We walked in kokichi immediately took his shoes off and ran to the bathroom I suppose?

//Kokichi POV//

I rushed to the room we were supposed to be sleeping in. I barged in and immediately noticed that there was only one bed. One bed, seriously? I mean, I'm not against it but Jesus sometimes we want alone time in our own bed, geez. I walked back out to see none other than my 'soulmate', Shuichi Saihara.
"Hey Did you know there's only one bed?" I asked quickly, also grabbing my  stuff in the process. He turned around.
"No, I didn't know that. Are you lying?" He responded. I looked at him with an offender look.
"No, I'm not lying. Now can you help me with my shit?" I said, a bit pissed off that he assumed immediately that I was lying. I mean yeah, it's my most used trait but still, I don't lie *all* of the time, geez.

Holy mother of atua that took awhile. I am glad to at least get a new chapter out by now. Well, see you guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

(Yes Thomas sanders reference)

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