The Search

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"I want every single officer in here to track down that bloody killer and get me a clue on where did Mr. Kongpob go"
I shouted as I entered the station. I was sure that we need to catch the killer before Kongpob does. There was a raging fire in his eyes that spoke volume. A threatening gleam burning out of control to burn out the desired target. If he gets to the target before we do then we will be solving a very different case.

"Sir, none of the CCTV camera were able to capture  the faces at the scene of crime. But I followed the directions of the van, and in one camera we were able to identify the face of a person. We have identified him as the head security of Mark corporation." One of the officer's informed.

"We then better track down this guy and also get me connected to Mr. Mark. Let's see if he knows anything." I told him

"Right on it Sir"

We needed to handle it well so we could keep Arthit alive and Kongpob away from a possible crime that he may commit. Somehow I had liked both them, their love reminded me of my partner. And that in itself was a reason for me to protect them.  I was looking through the data base and trying to connect to Mr. Mark when my phone finally got connected to his personal number.

"Hello Mr. Mark. I am officer Aim calling from the station. There has been a situation in which we have found possible evidence involving your head security. We wish to speak to you. I would want you to either come to the station or tell your location for us to reach...."

"I have already listen to enough of your bullshit...I am not interested, anyway it's not me who is involved. Also I had recently fired my head security. And I am not coming..."

That were his words before he disconnected rudely. His disobedience had irked me to punch a hole through him but I needed to think clearly.

"Oak track down this idiot right now, and tell me"


I was about to walk out of the station when I got another call...reporting a murder.

When we reached the place, all I could pray was let it not be Arthit. And my prayer was answered it was not but it was definitely the work of White rose Killer. But the whole situation was getting me rather confused. Why would the killer break his pattern? Why now? When the killer had already targetted Arthit why kill another before taking him?  This has never happened before. What changed?
But the quintessential question was what happened to Arthit?

All these questions were bombarding my head when Oak informed me he had tracked down both Mr Mark and Kongpob.

Not a second later, I was on my way to them. The moment I reached the restaurant, I saw them. It was empty except for them.

"What the hell are you doing here, officer Aim?"
Kongpob shouted standing from his seat. I knew his anger was genuine but I needed to talk. I sat on the empty chair while I looked at Mark, he appeared to be uncomfortable. His whole demeanor had changed.

"I could ask the same to you ..?"
"What do you mean? I am here to ask help from him since your guys are not much of a help."

"You know him?" I asked confused
"Yes, officer Aim. We had partnered many times. But why are you here."

"If you knew each other and since Mr. Kongpob was asking for help, did you tell him that your head security was involved in the kidnapping" I asked looking at Mark. He was now visibly sweating.

"What...why didn't you tell me Mark" Kongpob shouted again. This time it was directed towards Mark.

"Kong...listen I was about to tell you..but you were sounding so affected I couldn't bring myself to say it. I was going to investigate it own my own." He said to Kongpob.

But something was off. Although his words were right but the emoting he was denting were at paradox. His behaviour was completely ticking me off. 

"Listen Kong we need to track down this guy. Let's go I will help you. I also want to find this bloody guy." I grabbed Kong's shoulder and tried to console him.
I again looked at Mark and said
"I assure you we will not let this killer get away"

I had wanted to see his reaction and somehow my words had caused his body to freeze down. It was only slightly visible but I could grasp it.

Kong looked at me...tears in his eyes
"I don't want to loose him" he said
"let's go"

I saw Kong calling someone. I gave him his time while I looked at Mark who stood awkwardly.
I got a call in between. I talked and as I disconnected, I called Kongpob

"Kongpob come...we found the location we need to rush..."

I shouted those words to Kongpob.

Kongpob ran towards me and got into the car.

"Let's go officer Aim, I want to reach there ASAP."

"We will"

Although I really wanted to take in Mark, my preference was Arthit. If we could find him alive that would be best. I picked my phone, and informed one of the officer's to keep a track on Mark and find out about him.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Kong's scrunched face and his boaring eyes on me.

"Your friend there looks suspicious."
He didn't say anything till we reached.

He ran inside and started looking around the empty factory. I too was desperate this time.
Suddenly we heard a slight voice. It was coming from inside a locked room.

We both looked at each other and ran towards the door. At the back of my mind I was constantly trying to avoid the scene that has always welcomed me since the time we found the first victim.

Kong kicked open the door to find a large bed in between the room with nothing else. As I and Kongpob ran towards it. We found a bed ed with white roses and in between laid Arthit, hands tied and looking bruised. He was in and out of consciousness.

" am here.." Kong said while pulling on to the ropes that had been keeping him bound.

I had drawn out my weapons and had informed for backup. I realised that in between our hunt for Arthit and saving him the backup had already arrived.

I saw Arthit opening his eyes
"Kong...yo..yoou ca...came"

"Yes baby I can I not..."
Kong slowly took him in his arms bridal style and started walking towards the exit point while the backup team swamped the place for anyone else.

"Arthit I know u should not be asking you this right now....." Before I could complete my sentence I heard him speak


That one word had enraged both me and Kongpob. I could clearly see his anger.

"If I find him first, you will never find him again...." Kong said

So guys.....what do think will now happen to Mark?
Who will find him first?
Why was Kong asking for help from Mark?
What do you think.

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