Traveling with Tiffany (chapter 2)

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(slow updates for the future because I'm lazy okay I'm sorry,hopefully this doesn't have as many mistakes since I'm on the computer writing it this times.)

Reader's POV

I dropped the gun back into the holster looking at the road dreading the walk ahead of me,I began to walk hearing small footsteps follow me.I stopped and turned to the small doll,I sighed as she snarled at me.I pulled my arms to my chest folding them,"Where the hell are we even going?"I asked turning back around expecting Tiff to speak again but she only seemed to growl at me annoyed.

"The fuck you mean we!?I'm going to find Chucky while you leave!"Tiffany still held the nail in her grip.I stopped turning back to her soften my look to a sadden one.Why was she so obsessed with him.I couched down to her height,I was about to speak but she came closer to me and pointed to a passing car.I smiled but faked a frown as I ran in front of the car waving my hands in the air leaving Tiffany in doll mode of the road.The car suddenly stopped as the man who was driving look pissed off while the teenager boy around my age looked shocked and quickly got out of the car ignoring the man.I let a small smiled on my face as the boy rushed to me.

"Oh my god are you okay?"The boy said as the man grumbled a scold.I nodded slight as I turned to the man.

"Sir can I have a ride?"I asked as politely as I could.He looked more angry putting his hand in a fist as he approached me.

"Are you crazy kid I nearly ran you over for a ride?"He grumbled again as the boy besides me rested his hand against my shoulder.

"come on dad it's not like hes a murder."The boy smiled and I awkwardly smiled back.Only if he knew the truth.The man sighed as he said a small fine under his breath turning to get back into the car.The boy grabbed my hand as he opened the back door for me,I thanks him as I got in and clipped the seat belt on.Panic rose to my chest as the man turned to me and asked why I needed a ride to.I turned to where I left Tiffany to see an empty road,I tried to remember if Chucky ever told me where his amulet was.

"Oi kid I asked you a question!"The dad yelled anger filling his voice as his son glared at the father.

"maybe he doesn't know he just needs a ride he can tag along with us okay."He smiled turning to me as he handed me a map."But if you ever see a location you wanna go to just tell me okay."I nodded as I skimmed over the map trying to find a location that looked familiar.I was about to turn the page but something sharp pressed itself to my throat.I looked to the side see blond hair.The son was singing to the something on his phone as the man was focusing on driving,I smiled and was about to grab what I thought was the knife.I instead cut my hand on a butcher knife.

"Yes I'm back tell them you need to go to Hackensack,New jersey that's where the amulet is."(please tell me that's the right location 😅)Tiffany climbed on to my lap than sat at my feet not wanting to be seen.I turned the page looking for New jersey so it wouldn't be to weird.

I leaned forward and tapped the son's shoulder handing him back the map pointing to the location.He smiled and showed his dad,The dad slightly smiled.

"well aren't that good we were going to New jersey too."He made a turn and parked the car,"gotta fill her up though so you two do what you want.I smiled and nodded as Tiffany hit my knee I glared down at her.I got out of the car leaving her in as the son got out and put his phone in his pocket as he grabbed my hand dragging me inside the gas station.

He stopped at the candy isle looking for something,I grabbed my arm and awkwardly stood there,He noticed after he picked a bag of lollipops.His cheerful smile dropped as he put his hand out in front of me,He smiled again slightly.

"I'm Jake sorry I didn't introduce myself early."I shook his hand looking to are hands.

"It's fine I'm (Y/n) nice to meet ya,"I smiled as I grabbed my favorite candy.We both walked to the counter he paid for mine even though I insisted it was fine.We went back to the car as he stuck a lollipop in his mouth as I happily ate mine not remembering the last time I had something sweet instead of junk food.His father walked inside as We both sat in the back seat he laid his head on my shoulder as he went on his phone,I left my phone with Chucky cause my pants had no pockets and well Chucky is a long way away so no phone.I was throw out of thoughts as my favorite started to play I mumbled the words as the boy quickly sat up I frown thinking he didn't like my singing voice but his eyes sparkled.

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