And it's something Wheein can't help but be grateful for almost every day. It had been harder than expected sometimes, adjusting to truly living on her own in a new environment. But then there would be Taehyung, popping in with Seokjin and everyone else she had grown close with from the fox spirit kingdom to throw her an impromptu housewarming party or simply texting her picture of the little doodles he would always scribble around the margins of his own work at the palace whenever he was bored (read: always), complaining about how much he missed her and wished she was there to give him cuddles.

She isn't the only one that became more busy between the two of them. Despite his usual childish demeanor, Wheein's presence had helped Taehyung take his position and work more seriously than he had back when they first met. Whenever she visited him at the palace on her off days or over the weekend, more often than not she would catch him hard at work when it was needed, his tongue peeking out of the corner out of his mouth in concentration as he would mutter, "This is for Namjoon hyung. Gotta make it look good for Namjoon hyung."

"How was your trip?" Wheein asks him, swinging their interlocked hands between them happily as they stroll down the slightly crowded sidewalk. The first few times Taehyung started walking her home from her new workplace, they kept getting stopped by talent agencies trying to scout Taehyung as a model of some sorts.

Much to her embarrassment, Taehyung's first reaction was to always try and recommend them to her instead, insisting that 'Wheeinie's the prettiest! You'll never find someone more beautiful than her!'. Wheein now took off into a dead sprint anytime someone so much as tried to approach them on the streets.

"It was alright," Taehyung hums in mild disinterest. Namjoon had gone on a trip through the entire kingdom to experience life in all regions to gain understanding of the people and to make sure his policies were beneficial to their citizens, taking along his usual entourage of Seokjin, Yoongi, as well as Taehyung to ensure his younger brother understood the weight their governing and work in the palace had on the people of the fox spirit realm. While Taehyung had nothing against the trip itself, quite enjoying the chance to explore many places across the kingdom he had never seen before, it had taken an entire week. Meaning he had essentially been separated from Wheein for an entire week. "Would have been better if you had come."

"You know I would've if it weren't for that deadline I had," Wheein sighs. She had actually been extremely eager to take a week off to learn more about the world outside of the palace in the fox spirit realm, but unfortunately work life always manages to get in the way somehow. "How about next time I have a holiday we go exploring ourselves? You can show me around since you've already been there."

Taehyung brightens up considerably at that idea. "I know exactly where to take you!"

"It's not another one of your romantic hotspots for proposals again, is it?" Wheein questions teasingly. "Romantic novels aren't always right, you know."

"I stopped reading those years ago," Taehyung whines in embarrassment, his lips jutting out in a pout at the memory. "And I haven't tried to propose to you in forever too! You're just making fun of me now."

"I am," Wheein laughs, reaching over with her free hand to pinch his cheek lightly. "You're just so cute and fun to tease nowadays."

"You weren't like this when we first met again," Taehyung grumbles, his face still flushed a light pink. "Back then it was always you blushing and getting flustered by my romantic advances."

"I was not!" Wheein protests vehemently, though her far too defensive tone says it all. "I was only flustered because you used to propose to me every other day and try to declare your love for me to anyone in the vicinity despite us barely knowing each other at the time."

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