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"Your not-so-secret admirer is out by the front waiting for you again," Yongsun giggles as she all but skips into the back of the kitchen where the employees keep their belongings, the ends of her waitress apron fluttering behind her untied.

Wheein rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh as she folds her own uniform into a neat pile before placing everything into her backpack, shouldering the bag and clocking out since her shift has just ended. "I know, unnie. I'd have to be deaf to not hear him shouting for me when he came in earlier."

"I think it's quite sweet of him. I've never seen someone so shamelessly declare their undying love for someone as persistently as he has. He's been here how many times already?"

"More times that I can count," Wheein shakes her head, a small fond smile forming on her face despite the fact. "I was finally able to convince him that banging on our door in the middle of the night was unexceptable and not in the slightest romantic so you three will finally be able to get some sleep now."

Yongsun laughs. "It wasn't that bad for me, to be honest. I always sleep so deeply I never really heard a thing. I don't know about Hyejinnie but I only realized something was up when I found Byulyi drinking three times as much coffee as she normally does to make it through the day."

Wheein cringes as she recalls how prominent her other housemate's dark circles have been the past few days and makes note to treat the older to a meal in the near future in apology. "I'll make it up to her one of these days. I'm just glad that the neighbors didn't call the police on him."

"Why? Bad boys not your type?" Yongsun waggles her eyebrows jokingly, making Wheein snort.

"Receiving a noise complaint citation is far from what I would consider being a bad boy," Wheein chuckles and waves back to the other as she heads out past the kitchen doors and back into the main area of Magnolia Cafe. "Bye unnie! Have a good shift, see you later!"

"Not if Taehyung has anything to say about it!" Yongsun calls back between giggles, as though there is even the slightest chance of Wheein somehow agreeing to go along with Taehyung's multiple propositions of them getting married and running off together to god knows where.

Wheein's only response is to spin around and stick her tongue at the elder before the doors swing close, but as she turns back, she finds herself immediately lifted into a familiar set of arms, her face pressed tightly into a firm chest. "I- euargh! Taehyung, let me go! I can't breathe!"

"Wheeinie, what took you so long?" the boy whines impatiently, swinging a flailing Wheein around and taking absolutely no notice of the other gaping customers in the vicinity. "I've been waiting for so long but you never came out."

"I had work!" Wheein takes a deep gasping breath as soon as Taehyung loosens his grip, giving her a chance to surface from air. While he always smells quite nice, being smothered to death by the good-looking man in front of her is not exactly the way she wants to go out of this world. "I can't just come out to see you whenever I please when I'm on shift."

As they make their way towards the exit, Taehyung holds his hand out to her, his lips pursed in their usual pout that he knows she has yet to figure out how to resist. With a sigh, Wheein acquiesces rather easily this time, slipping her closest hand into his and interlacing their fingers tightly like she knows he wants her to. The bright grin that stretches across his face every time she does never fails to make her heart flutter a little faster in her chest. Totally worth it.

"If you married me, you would never have to lift a single finger to do work for as long as you live," Taehyung insists with far too serious of a face for someone swinging their interlaced hands together as they stroll down the streets. Ever since pounding at their door in the middle of the night to profess his undying love for Wheein was deemed off limits, Taehyung has taken it upon himself to escort her home from work everyday, no matter the time of day. Wheein has already explained to him multiples times that their district is as safe as one could get, but according to Taehyung's reasoning, letting her walk home alone gave someone else a chance to propose and potentially spirit her away from him.

mellifluous || jung wheein x kim taehyungHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin