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"I miss her already," Taehyung sniffles sadly from his position curled up on the chaise lounge couch in his brother's study, using Namjoon's closest thigh as a pillow to rest his head on.

"You came back from dropping her back off in the human world less than five minutes ago," Seokjin deadpans from his spot on a nearby loveseat, scanning through several official documents to help Namjoon out with his enormous workload. His glossy ears twitch irritably atop his head of fluffy black hair, tail swishing around behind him in impatience. Seokjin hates paperwork.

But he likes Namjoon just a little bit more than he hates paperwork, so this is his own fault, he supposes.

"Do you think she's missing me too, hyung?" Taehyung asks hopefully, perking up at just the thought as he stares up at his older brother with sad puppy eyes and completely ignores Seokjin's snarky commentary in the background. Namjoon appears to be quite taken aback, looking over to Seokjin for assistance in the matter,

Help, he mouths to his husband.

He's your brother, Seokjin mouths back. You're on your own.

"Uh," Namjoon internally panics at the sudden question. He had never been too good with comforting people. "Statistically speaking- ow!"

He jerks his head back in surprise as Seokjin launches a crumpled up document paper at his head. That wasn't important information about the new policies they were proposing anyways. Probably.

"Yes," Namjoon finally says blandly to his brother to try and please his husband, sounding not in the least bit convincing.

The lack of expression in his voice doesn't seem to affect Taehyung, who smiles widely to himself at his brother's answer and nuzzles his face happily into Namjoon's thigh. "I knew it. She's so cute."

So are you, Namjoon can't help but think to himself as he grins fondly and ruffles his brother's hair lightly with his free hand. He still remembers back when they were just a couple of fox spirit pups, Taehyung always clinging needily to him no matter what they did around the castle grounds. You shouldn't get too close to your brother, several of the king's advisors had warned him. He could try and fight you for the throne, they said.

Namjoon made sure they were removed from their official positions the moment he was declared crown prince and heir to the throne. There was no need for advisors that needlessly pitted brothers against one another in the peaceful era they lived in.

"You should head to bed, Taehyung-ah. It's getting late." Seokjin says as he pads over to squeeze onto the couch with them, clearly having given up on doing work for the night and finding it much more productive and enjoyable to cuddle his brother in law.

"Don't wanna," Taehyung pouts.

"The sooner you go to bed, the sooner you can wake up and go see sister-in-law, isn't that right?" Seokjin cards a hand through Taehyung's hair lovingly, smiling warmly at the sound of a little happy trill emitting from the younger boy's mouth at his actions. Taehyung has been like that since the moment Seokjin met Namjoon and his friends, so easy to spoil and love. Sometimes just a little too easy. It's proven to be incredibly hard to say no to anything that Taehyung set his heart on. Perhaps that's why Wheein is such a good fit for him. Despite her constant blushing state around his spoiled brother-in-law, she's quite possibly one of the only people in this world that can truly deny Taehyung of something he wants.

"That's true..." Taehyung seems to mull over his options, before remembering something that sets his lips back in a bratty pout. "But she has work. She said we can only be together and snuggle at home after her shift's over. But she's always tired after work and if she's tired then she's going to say no when I propose to her again!"

mellifluous || jung wheein x kim taehyungWhere stories live. Discover now