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After another ten minutes or so of struggling against her captors, Wheein eventually finds herself falling asleep despite her rather uncomfortable position slung over Jungkook's shoulder, too exhausted from staying up the past few nights to put up more of a fight.

"She's quite pretty when she isn't giving us death threats," Jimin hums, peering at the human girl's sleeping face curiously as they make their way back to the fox spirit realm. "Very cute. I can see why Taehyung is so taken with her. She probably doesn't even give that spoiled prince the time of day most of the time given her attitude."

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one whose hair almost got ripped out," Jungkook winces, reaching up to gently massage at his scalp with the hand that wasn't keeping Wheein balanced on top of his shoulder. "She may look like an angel now, but she's one hell of a scrappy fighter. I think I'm going to bruise where she bit me earlier."

"Don't let Taehyung see that, knowing him, he'll be jealous out of his mind," Jimin snorts, shaking his head in amusement. "She's such a small petite thing, I wonder if she's even tall enough to reach Tae's shoulders."

"You're one to talk, I wouldn't be surprised if she was taller than you- ow!" Jungkook stumbles as Jimin angrily slugs him hard in the arm. "Watch it! I'm carrying priceless cargo for the prince!"

"You ass, you know damn well I'm taller than her," Jimin hisses, quickly reaching over to stroke Wheein's hair and lull the stirring girl back to sleep. Wheein mumbles something incoherent and wrinkles her nose before going silent once more. "Oh my god, that was so fucking adorable. She's like a little kitten, reminds me of Yoongi hyung when he gets all sleepy. Except a lot less savage and grumpy."

"Careful not to get too attached to her, hyung," Jungkook chuckles softly, his sleek brown tail flicking around behind him in amusement. "Tae hyung has had this one in his sight for years now. Back when we took the same sword fighting lessons all he would talk about was this human girl that took care of him and how he couldn't wait to return to her side and be with her again."

"Maybe I should find a cute little human to court as well," Jimin sighs. "The fox spirits in the kingdom are all so lovely, but no one has yet to catch my eye in particular. Perhaps meeting Wheein is a sign telling me to search for someone in the human world."

"You better fucking not," comes Wheein's disgruntled murmur as she is slowly roused from her sleep by the conversation at hand. "It's bad enough one of you is wreaking havoc around in my neighborhood. Not all humans are going to take kindly to random men pounding on their doors in the middle of the night like I did."

Jimin crosses his arms and huffs. "First of all, Taehyung only found you because he left you his bell. Second of all, I'm not about to go around beating on people's doors like a creep until I find someone that captures my interest, I have more tact than that. Third of all, you didn't even take that kindly to Tae his first visit! I heard you slammed the door in his face and he returned to the palace all mopey that evening."

Wheein's face colors as she sputters, "He asked me to marry him out of nowhere! What else was I supposed to do?!"

"If you had just said yes, I wouldn't be transporting you to the fox spirit realm this way," Jungkook grumbles, shifting Wheein around slightly to ease the weight off his shoulder for a moment.

"I don't know how you all conduct courting rituals in your kingdom, but in the human world, you don't agree to marry strangers you just met!"

"But you two have-"

"Yes, I know, Tae told me." Wheein rolls her eyes. "At the time, I thought he was just a weird looking stray puppy, and eventually he just disappeared out of the blue and left that little bell in my room. What would he have done if I accidentally threw it away?"

mellifluous || jung wheein x kim taehyungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora