Chapter 7

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*Phoenix's POV*
Me and Lily met up with the Cullen's after school again. Since they are our ride. Any who, all day we had been getting hateful glares from just about everyone.

I walked to Edwards Volvo after the classes ended.

"Do you know why everyone hates me and Lil?" I ask him.

"They are all envious about the two new girl being the best friends of the mysterious Cullen's." He answers.

"I guess we are just awesome." I say, smugly. He chuckles.

We get in his Volvo and have odd conversations throughout the drive to their house.

*Small Time skip*
Once we arrived at the house, our current topic was 'if you could choose and animal to be, what would it be and why'. Weird right.

"You are definitely the most strangest person I have ever met, Nix." Edward compliments.

"Why thank you." I say.

"I don't think that was meant to be a compliment but I will just go with it." He says.

"It was totally supposed to be a compliment. Also, something you should learn with being my mate and everything, is to not question any insane thing I say." I tell him.

"Got it." He says.

Lily, Rose and Emmett step out of Rosalie's Mercedes while Alice and Jasper get out of the Jeep. Edward helps me out of his Volvo and we walk up to the front door.

Esme greets us as we walk into the living room. We greet her back and she says she made cookies for me.

"Yes." I say quietly, even though fully knowing they all heard me. "Times like these are when I'm glad none of you can eat."

They all laugh. Esme brings out a plate of cookies and I thank her. I take a bite of one of them as we discuss random things and they are AMAZING!

"So since you all know my gift as a vamp, are there any others I should be aware of, excluding Alice's since I know hers." Lillian asks them.

"Yes. Jasper can feel and manipulate emotions. Edward can read minds and you know Alice's." Rose answers.

"I couldn't seem to read Bella's and I can't seem to read Phoenix's either. Bella's was silent but Phoenix's is the crackling of fire." Edward says.

"So you can't read mine. All you get is the cracking of fire when you try." I ask. He nods.

"Then my mind is safe from being interrogated." I joke. Everyone chuckles.

We talked for a little bit longer. Esme made me some dinner and it was DELICIOUS. It was like 11 and I was tired.

"We should probably get home." Lillian suggests.

"Actually, we have a room here for Nix. You don't need to go anywhere." Alive says.

"Perfect." I say. "To the nice comfy bed."

She grabs my hand and pulls me through the house we stop at a room with a white wall and a red wall, white and red bedding and red highlights throughout the room.

"Oh, Alice

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"Oh, Alice. This is gorgeous." I stare in awe at the room. It screamed me.

"I knew you would love it." She says happily. "Now get into pyjamas I will be back." I roll my eyes as she leaves.

I get into a grey pyjama top that says 'Cute but psycho. But Cute' and blue leopard print pyjama shorts.

Alice comes back after I'm changed and tells me goodnight

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Alice comes back after I'm changed and tells me goodnight. I fell asleep quickly after that and fell into a weird sleep. It was kinda dreamless, but someone kept saying the words, 'Remember who you are'. No picture or anything. Just those words.

Word count: 603

Sorry this is short but next chapter will be longer. Hopefully.

What do you think the words 'Remember who you are' mean?

Who do you think was saying them?

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