Chapter 3

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*Phoenix's POV*
After school ended and the last bell rang, we met the Cullen's up in the parking lot.

"I'm guessing one of you guys would like to drive us?" Lily says.

"Yes. So drive your cad home and then we can follow so you girls can get in our cars." Alice says.

"Sounds good with me." I say.

"Yep." Lily agrees.

So with that, Lil gets in the drivers side of our car and drive home, the Cullen cars following. Once we got home we parked in the driveway and got out.

Alice got out of her car and cane over to us.

"Ok, so Lily will ride with me and Rosalie and Nix can ride with Edward." Alice plans. I look to Lillian. She nods.

"That sounds good." Lil finalizes.

"Great. Edward, get out here." Alice calls. Edward steps out of a silver Volvo.

I follow Edward and got into the passenger side of the Volvo while Lily got into a red Mercedes.

"So were do you guys live." I ask, trying to fill the silence.

"Out far in the woods. It's the only place we can be ourselves." He answers, looking over at me.

"Sparkly and all." I add. He chuckles.

"So, how many are in your coven." I ask.

"Me, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, our father for all intents and purposes Carlisle and our mother for all intents and purposes, Esme." He answers. I nod. "Do you have any siblings."

"No, actually. I was an only child and my parents died in an avalanche. So for five years I have lived with Lily. I consider her my sister because she is the only family I have." I answer, looking down at the memories.

"I'm sorry. But now, I guess since Lillian found Rosalie, we could be your family." He says, trying to lighten the mood.

"Really." I ask.

"Yes." He answers. I smile at him.

"Thank you." I say.

"I want to know you. To get to know you." Edward says, filling the silence that had fell upon us.

"Shoot away." I say.

"What's your favourite colour." He asks.

"Either fire red-the colour of my hair- or reddish orange- the colour of my eyes-." I answer.

"Your favourite movie."

"Any movie from the Harry Potter series."

"Favourite book."

"I don't have a favourite, more like a top five."

"What's your top five."

"Harry Potter series, Divergent, Hunger games, Seasons of the Storm, and Twilight Hauntings-the first book of the Enchanters Child series-." (A/n: I have actually read all these books and Seasons of the storm and Twilight Hauntings are real books and amazing.)

We continue this for the ride to their house. It was nice to have Edward here. There was this weird pull that pulled me toward him.

We pulled up into the driveway and Edward helped me out. We met Alice, Rose and Lily at the door. Emmett and Jasper were already inside.

Lillian and I hook our arms together and walk in. Alice leads us to the couch and we sit down.

A lovely woman walked in and I assumed she was Esme.

"Hello dears. You must be Lillian and Phoenix." She says.

"How did you-." Lil starts.

"I can see the future but the visions are subjective." Alice explains.

My mouth go's into an 'o'. Lily nods.

"I'm Esme." Esme introduces.

"It's nice to meet you, Esme." I say.

"Ok, Lil. You need to explain. Everything." Rose said.

"Alright." Lil started. "Well, when you disappeared, it made me depressed and I didn't want to do anything. It took at least a year to pick myself up again, but I was never full. Another year after I had picked myself up, i was walking out late when something attacked me.

"I blacked out after I felt a sharp pain go through my neck. I woke up days later and everything seemed different. Everything seemed more enhanced.

"It took me a couple more days to figure out what I was. A vampire. But as mean as I could be at times, I could never kill. I knew I needed blood but I would never kill a human.

"I searched for something else that had blood. Then it hit me. Animals. I knew I could never kill people but I needed to survive so I drank animal blood.

"I would use my gift of fire to encircle my prey before I attacked. I loved using my gift so when I was bored I would mindlessly play with sparks in my hand.

"I would go to high school and everything. I lived like this for decades. Nothing new. That is, before I moved to Toronto.

"I had run into Phoenix on my first day. Unlike everyone else, she didn't stare openly at me. I immediately took a liking to her. She showed me to my classes and we were great friends by the end of the day. I completely forgot what i was.

"About six months later, I told Nix about what I was. Except, she didn't freak out like I thought she was going to. All she said was 'ok.'

"I had stared at her confused. 'As long as you won't hurt me, I'm fine with it. It doesn't change who you are.' She told me. I loved her for it.

"I told her my suspicions about Rosa being turned. She agreed with it since she is such an optimist. She said she would help me search for her.

"Then about a year an a half from that, about two years into our friendship, Nix's parents were killed, along with many others, in a huge avalanche.

"She had kinda considered me her sister before since she was an only child, but after she heard that, I actually became her sister.

"I took care of her and she took care of me. About a year later, we moved to Calgary. We continued our search and went on with school.

"Nix was only a young girl when we met but she was really smart. So when we moved here, she was finally in the same grade as me.

"Then, today. We finally found Rosa and met her family. Now here we are." Lil finishes. I hadn't realized Carlisle came into the room until he spoke up.

"Well we are glad to have you as our family." He said.

"Thank you." Lily says.

We fell into a weird silence as they gave my some sympathetic looks. Then Alice started up a conversation and we all started to talk again, forgetting all of he sadness in the air.

"Phoenix." I was pulled out of the conversation by Edwards voice. "I want to show you something."

I nod as to say 'ok' and take his hand, helping me up.

Sorry for the semi-cliffhanger. Also again, please don't be a ghost reader, even a 'I'm reading this book' would do.

What so you think Edward is going to show her?

How should much jealousy should I put into Bella's reaction to Phoenix?

Word count: 1178

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