Part 24: Leave

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The weeks passed almost normally.

As the days blended together, the thought of Storm's father went from a dark threat in Storm's mind to a gray cloud that he hoped would pass. He was glad to focus on even boring and complicated assignments to keep his mind off of it. Chris, Lee and Heather were better at keeping his mind off the threat, though he still got the sneaking suspicion that they all felt the threat as well.

Storm's suspicion was confirmed as Chris leaned against the locker next to him, the other students passing behind, heading either towards the bus or their cars, ready to leave. "It's been like three weeks—do you think he's coming back?" Chris asked.

"Who?" Storm asked, though he already knew.

"Your dad."

"I dunno. I hope not."

Chris waited a moment, as if expecting something more. "I mean. Ari seemed to freak him out pretty good. Maybe he won't come back."


Chris waited again. "He's your dad. What do you think? You think he'll leave?"

Storm thought about it. Dropping his books and tablet into his bag, he straightened. "No. He's not like that. He... He's not going away." Slinging the bag over his shoulder, he closed the locker and started walking. Staring down the tiles as each square passed under his feet, Storm thought. "A while back, Lee said something, um, odd. Well, I guess it's not that odd, but—" he tried to stop stammering. "She said that Ari had 'done things' to people. And, when my dad showed up, they cut his face. Pretty bad."

"Oh." It was all Chris said.

Storm glanced at them sidelong. Their expression was blank. But they didn't look surprised either.

"What do you know about Ari? You were the first person to meet them, right? You've known them the longest. What were they like? When you met them?" Storm tried to think back. "Ari told me that they regretted what they did when they met you. They said that they threatened you. And hurt you."

Chris turned a bit. "They said that?"

"Yeah." Storm knew Ari hadn't been lying. The admission had pained them, and why would they have have lied? "What were they like? Back then?"

"I mean, it was years ago." Chris shook their head.

"Chris, for real." Storm took their arm and turned them to face him. He looked them in the face. "Has Ari killed people?"

Chris opened his mouth, took a breath, but didn't speak. The breath tumbled out.

"Tell me the truth."

Difficulty came over Chris's face. "Honestly? I don't know. You'd have to ask them."

"I'm asking you."



Ice seized Storm's chest. His gaze snapped up, facing the lacerated and bandaged face of his father, standing next to Principle Visser.  


Author's Note; 

Short chapter today! My brain is still soup -_- 

But! We are getting close to the climax and conclusion of this 'ere tale. Ari--or perhaps Skurdulka--and whatever allies they can gather are going to face off against Storm's dad--and whomever he can gather--very soon. Ari's newfound faith in humans, in their community, and in any form of nonviolence will be tested, as will all the kids' strength. 

Once again, thank you Luna (Insta;) @ lunnegend for this awesome drawing of transformed Ari AKA SKURDULKA. Skurdulka is a beast! And one of my favorite OCs maybe ever :D :D :D

 Skurdulka is a beast! And one of my favorite OCs maybe ever :D :D :D

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