In love?

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Malia P.O.V

I saw there was a boy who stared on me. It's was a little scary, but it was cute too.

His face seemed familiar! He has short brown hair, beautiful brown eyes and he is tall and skinny. "OMG..... he's the boy who helped me to be a human agian!" I said screaming to my self.  I hearer the teacher says "You can sit down at the desk". She points on the desk that is right for him, that boy who stared at me and the boy who helped me to get back to human.

"Okay" I said careful.

I walk over to the desk and I sets down on the chair. I take of my school bag from my back, on the floor and I hear a beautiful voice says.

"Hey, I'm stiles. Do you remember me...? Who helped you to be a human again?" Said stiles with low voice, so that no one could hear what he did say.

The claws came out of my fingers and My heartbeat began to rise of anger.

"Malia, your hands" said Stiles looking worried on me.

I look at my hands. My claws have come out of my fingers! I can't get them go away.

I got up fast and I'm running out of the classroom.

Stiles was running after me, but he get stopped by the teacher

Stiles P.O.V

I was running after Malia, but I got stopped by the teacher.

"Where are you going?" Asks the teacher

"I haft to go to the toilet!" I sad trying to get thorugh the teacher

"You know the rules Stiles. There is only one at time." Said the teacher

I take my legs crossed "oh come on, I really have to pee!" I said

"You have two choices. One, You can wait to Malia comes back? Second, You can go, but then you get a note on your record!" She said

I had to think fast! I'm doing everything for my friends. or maybe she will be something more with me? Maybe she could be my girlfriend? So my answer is.....

"then you have to take a note on my record" I said looking proud at the teacher.

I run out of the classroom. I don't see Malia in the hallway. I think she is in the girls locker room. I run to the girls locker room. When I have come to girls locker room, I open the door cautiously up and asks....

"Anyone here?!" I scream out loud. No one answered.  

I asked again.

"Malia are you here?!" I scream out loud.

"Go away Stiles" I hear voice behind the lockers

Malia P.O.V

I hear Stiles comes into girls locker room, where I am. I sitting behind the first lockers. He Asks if somebody is here and he Ask if I'm here. I got more calm when I hear his voice. I have turned into wolf (just my hands and my face). My Claws is out of my fingers and they sharp, my teeth is sharp and my voice is dark. I don't want Stiles to see me like that and i don't want to hurt him.

I say to Stiles.....

"Go away Stiles!"

He comes closer and closer. When he saw me, he ran over to me and sat down in front of me.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I just Get out a few words out of my mouth

"St—iles, get out be—fore i hurt you!" I yelled. I was looking at him, but when i was done with the sentence, I look down on the floor.

He looks at me. "I'm not going to leave you."

"Malia calm down. Look at me" He takes my head up. "Okay? Look into my eyes or just focus on the sound of my voice. Come on Malia" He said. I stared into his pretty brown eyes and i tried to calm down. It was working. I was calming me down by, just looking at his pretty brown eyes and listining to his voice.

I was myself agian. Human me. It's was because of Stiles, he helped me.

When he said those words "I'm not going to leave you", I got a feeling in me. I have never had that feelings before. It's was like, it was just me and him in the world! Nobody else. OMG....I think I'm in love with Stiles!


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