Chapter Nineteen- "Dinner Date Gone Wrong.."

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(Warning: Angst and make out session)
-This chapter takes place before Vee's parents come home-
//Logan POV//
I give Virgil a sincere form of happiness which in other words would be called a smile as I watch him close the front door. I sigh a little as I walk into the kitchen to continue making dinner for me and Patton, who will be coming over to my house in approximately 19 minutes and 32 seconds..31 seconds..30 second- What am I doing I'm wasting time that I could be using right now.

I quickly break myself from my so called trance of counting down seconds and quickly get back to making chicken nuggets or as Pat likes to call them.. chicken nuggies and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.. Patton's idea for dinner not mine.. I hear the over timer beeping and I quickly grab a oven mit so I do not burn myself. I take the chicken nuggets out of the oven and set them on top of two pot holders that I have on the counter. I sigh in relief that I did not in fact burn the chicken..

I quickly walk to the pantry and grab a microwaveable package of easy to make macaroni and cheese. I take off the seal of the package and fill it up with water to the line that says stop here. Afterwards I simply place the macaroni and cheese into the microwave and wait approximately 1 minute and 30 seconds. I take a deep breath and quickly walk to my room to grab a blanket just incase Patton feels cold.

I quickly walk back down the stairs and set the large navy blue blanket on the couch. I hear the microwave timer beep and I rush to the kitchen.

//No One POV//
Lo takes the mac and cheese out of the microwave and put it into two small bowls for Pat and himself. Just as Logan was getting out plates he hears a knock on the front door. L quickly puts the plates on the counter and rushes to answer the door. Logan takes a deep breath before he opens the door with a small smile as he sees his boyfriend on the other side.

"Logy!" Patton yells with a huge smile as he gives L a hug which of course Logan returns. "Hello Patton Dear~" Lo says as he kisses P's forehead and Patton giggle at that. "Please come in, I made your favorite two foods chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese." Logan says as they both let go of each other and walk into L's house. "Aww, thank you so much Logy~" "Of course Dear~" Lo replies as he closes the front door and they both walk into the kitchen to grab their food.

Logan hands Patton a plate and they both take a few chicken nuggets with a small bowl of mac and cheese. "Patton Dear, would you like a beverage?" L asked as he open the fridge to see what they have to drink. "Do you have any sweet tea?" Pat asked with a smile and Lo nods his head as he takes out a container of sweet tea. "Yes, we do.." Logan sets the container on the counter and walk over to the sink. L opens the small cabinet above it and hands Pat a cup for his drink.

Afterwards they walk into the living room with their plates and drinks in their hands to watch movies and..stuff.. P smiles as he sits down on the and sets his plate and sweet tea on the coffee table as Logan does the same. "" Lo says awkwardly as he hands Patton the tv remote. "Thanks Logy~" P says with a giggle at his boyfriend's stuttering and gently leans his head on Logan's shoulder as he finds a movie for them to watch.

L blushes with a small smile as he puts his arm around Patton's waist and pulls the large blanket on top of them. P smiles brightly as he cuddles closer to Lo. "So what do you wanna watch?" Pat asked Lo and usually Logan would correct people on their grammar but he couldn't bring himself up to do it to his adorable boyfriend.

"Whatever you would like to watch Patton.." L replies back as he starts eating his food. Patton takes a sip of his sweet tea and gives a small smile as he puts on 'Big Hero 6' became he knows it's Logan's favorite Disney movie. Logy gives P a small smile as he kisses Patton's lips and P of course kisses Lo back. After a few seconds they break apart and continue eating as they chatted.

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