Chapter Ten- "Making Out and Flipping Out"

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(Warning: A make out scene, mad Roman, and Remus being Remus..YOU. HAVE. BEEN. WARNED!)
//Where we left off//
Roman POV:
I sigh as I glare at Remus from across the dinner table as he blabs on and on bout something stupid. 'How dare he hurt MY storm cloud and not feel guilty!' I mumble to myself as I take a drink of my water. I feel my phone buzz and quickly take it out of my pocket. I look around to see my parents looking at Re as he continue his rant.

I hide my phone under the table cause my mom has rules bout having phones at the table.. I smile a little as I see that it's Virgil. I quickly open the message and start reading..
//In text//
V: Hey babe, I just found out bout Lo and the doc says that it's just a few small fractures. So they're not life threatening and that they just need to do a small surgery and L should be back to normal..
*Roman sighs with a smile*
R: That's great news! I'm so glad that the nerd's gonna be ok! Thanks for keeping me up dated Baby!💖...How's your bruise doing?
V: It's ok..Rom, Do you remember when you asked me if Remus and Janus hit me anywhere else and that I nod my head..
R: Yes I remember.. Are you ok?
V: Yeah, yeah I'm's just..Do you mind if I show you one of the bruise?
R: Of course not baby~ You can show me or tell me anything.. I just want you to be comfortable.. 😘
V: Ok, just please don't be mad..
*Vee sends a mirror pic of himself with his shirt slightly up and showing a massive purple, blue, and black bruise*
*R's eyes widen as he grits his teeth*
R: What!? They hit you in the stomach! Oh that's it! 😡
V: Wait Ro! Please don't do anything..Logan and I are ok..and I just don't want you to get hurt~..
R: Gorgeous, you know I would do anything to protect you~ and I got to do something! They hurt you and it's my job as your boyfriend to help and protect you for this type of stuff!..😭
V: ...
R: I'm sorry if it seems like I'm mad at you cause I'm not I promise~..I'm just so p***ed off at Remus and Janus!
V: Ro baby, I know you're not mad at me and I know you want to protect me..but I just don't want you to get hurt.. So please don't stoop down to their level cause they're not worth it~.. 💜
*Ro sighs a little as he looks around to his family still talking*
R: Ok, I won't beautiful.. I love you~ 💕
*Roman quickly deletes last message*
R: Ok, I won't beautiful~ I wish I could be with you right now so I could hold you close and kiss your pretty little face~🥺
V: You're such a sap..but you're my sap and I miss you too babe~ 🖤
R: Aww! I knew you missed me! 🥰 I got to go but maybe we can see each other this weekend? My parents are going out of town for a few days and I know Re will be at Jan's so you wanna come over and watch movies? 💖
V: Sure babe, sounds fun and I'll see you later 💜
//End of text//
I sigh as I look up and finish eating my stew as my dad starts talking about his day. 'Why didn't I tell him?.. It's just three words! Why is it so difficult!' I say to myself as I ignore everything else. "Roman..Roman..Roman!" I quickly snap out of my thoughts and look up at my mom with a questioning look.

"Yeah mom?" I ask as I take my last bite of strew. "I was asking you how was school today.." "Oh-uh..It was fine nothing to bad today..." I reply as I look around the table. "That's nice to know.. Have you heard anything about Remy?" My dad ask me with a small smile and I glare at Remus before looking at my father.

"No, not yet.. Pat hasn't told me anything.." I lie as I get up and take my empty bowl to the sink. "I'm sorry to hear that sweetheart.. Maybe Patton will tell you tomorrow at school.." My mother says as pats me on the shoulder and I just nod. "Yeah.."

//Saturday morning at 9 am//
I smile as I sit down on the couch in my cozy pjs with a blanket wrapped around me. "Hey Dumb A**! I'm gonna go make out with Janus at his house see ya!" I hear Remus yell at me as he walks to the front door wearing really short lime green shorts, black fishnet leggings, and a black long sleeve crop top with the words 'Bad A**' written in green on the front.

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