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Ella couldn't believe that she had kissed Nick. Her mother's boyfriend. She felt like an idiot for it. She knew that if anyone were to find out, especially Carla, then she would go ape at Ella.

Ella woke that morning and sighed. She left her bedroom and saw her little sister sitting on the sofa. "Hey. Are you okay?" Ella asked.

"No. I'm fourteen next week and mum is never around. She'll be in the pub and I'll be on my own," she mumbled.

Ella smiled. "I'll be here. We can go into town and have a shopping trip."

"But I want to spend it with my mum," Grace said as she started crying.

Ella held her close and sighed. "How about I walk you to school, then when I'm finished in college, I'll come and meet you and then we cuddle up and watch your favourite film?"

Ella arrived at the factory. She saw Nick and sighed. "Look. What happened with us was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened. You're seeing my mum."

Nick nodded. "I know. It was wrong. You're underage and I took advantage of you."

Ella smiled. "So we are in agreement? It never happened."

"It never happened."

Ella spent the whole day in the factory. She frowned as Carla stumbled in. Ella stood up and walked over. "Where the hell have you been?"

"Watch who you're talking to."

Ella scoffed. "Do you realise that Gracie went into school in tears. It's her birthday next week and she thinks you'll be too hungover to even care about it."

Carla frowned. "Where is my Gracie?"

"At school. I suggest you go home and sober up. Be the mother that we need or else I'll call Dad," she warned.

Carla rolled her eyes and turned to leave. Ella sighed as she felt Nick place a hand on her shoulder. "You and Gracie don't deserve that."

Ella sighed. "She's my mum. I'm not giving up on her. But you're right. We don't deserve it."

Ella went into the Rovers. Michelle smiled. "Sit down. I'll get you something to eat. Are you okay?" She asked.

Ella sighed and nodded. "I'm fine aunt Chelle. I'm just tired. Mum didn't come home last night. Gracie is worried and I can't do anything to ease that worried. I'm only sixteen. It shouldn't be my responsibility to put my little sister at ease."

Michelle smiled. "I'll go and fetch Grace from school. I'm giving you some money and you're having a night off from it all. Okay?"

Ella nodded and sighed. "Thanks aunt Chelle. I'd be lost without you."

Ella found herself outside the bistro. She walked inside and smiled when she saw Nick. She walked over. "Don't suppose you wanna get me a drink?" She asked.

Nick looked at her and smirked. He nodded. He knew he shouldn't have. But he was annoyed how Carla had blown him out.

As the night went on, Ella found herself getting drunk. She didn't care. It had to have been good if Carla did it all the time.


Ella turned to see Grace standing there. "You're turning into mum."

"No. Gracie!"

Grace ran out and so did Ella. Ella saw the car speeding. "GRACIE!"

But it was too late. The car had hit Grace sending her flying into the air. The driver got out the car. And it was...

Pregnant by my mother's boyfriend *coronation street*Where stories live. Discover now