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Ella couldn't sleep. All that she could think over was the mess that she had got involved in.

Ella knew that she was pregnant and it was her mother's boyfriends baby, Ella knew that she had messed up and she didn't know what to do but she was terrified. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she stood out of bed.

Ella didn't know what was going to happen especially now that grace knew, she knew grace adopted Carla and they she didn't want to lie and Ella didn't know if she wanted to force grace to lie as she knew it was only so long before the truth came out.

Ella sighed to herself as she walked out of her room and into the kitchen as she grabbed a bottle of water as she saw grace who lay on the sofa

"what are you doing up?" Ella asked as grace sighed

"I couldn't sleep. Are you here to ask me to keep quiet" grace asked

"no, your my sister and I'm not going to ask you to keep my secret but I am asking you to give me some time. I can't keep this from her but I need some time to figure out how I am going to tell her. I just to work out how" Ella said as grace smiled

"it will be okay I won't tell mum" grace said as Ella looked to her and smiled

Ella smiled as she got to peters. He looked as she walked inside "hey princess. How are you I haven't seen you for ages" peter said as Ella looked to him and smiled

"I'm okay,I'm tired I guess. I need to tell you something and I don't want you to freak out and say my life is over" Ella said as peter frowned

"Ella what is going on"

"I'm pregnant" Ella said as peter looked to her and smirked

"and is this what you want?" Peter asked as she nodded

"I have thought over it and I have gone back and worth but it is what I want" Ella said as peter walked over to her and smiled

"after all your mum and I have put you through, being pregnant at seventeen is nothing, your a good girl and you have always looked after grace, your mum and everyone and your going to be a great mum but I'm not being calling grandpa" peter said as Ella looked to him and chuckled

"don't worry I don't think that grandpa suits you" Ella said as peter smiled

"I know your scared but it will be Okay and the father he is going to be there for you" peter asked as Ella nodded

"he says he is and I don't have a reason to doubt it yet" Ella said as he smiled

Ella sighed to herself as she got to the factory and smiled as she saw nick "we need to talk" she said as he nodded

"I know"

"Grace knows and I said I'd tell my mum soon but we need to face facts. This is all going to blow up and it isn't going to be pretty and I'm scared" Ella said as nick looked to her and smiled as he walked over and placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"I know but no matter what happens I am with you and I promise that everything will be okay" he said as Ella smiled.

Ella wanted to be hopeful like nick seemed to be but she was terrified that everyone would end Up hating her and that she would have no one. Ella knew that things were complicated but they weren't going to get any easier any time soon

Pregnant by my mother's boyfriend *coronation street*Where stories live. Discover now