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Ella smiled as Carla walked into her bedroom. She sat up and looked at her. "Hey. Is everything okay?" She asked.

Carla nodded. "Listen. Can you walk Grace to school? She's acting up and not wanting to go. And I don't trust her to not do a bunk," she told her.

Ella smiled and nodded. "Yeah course mum. Why is she acting up?"

"I don't know. But it's something that's bothering her. Try and talk to her for me. I'd take her myself but I've got a meeting at half 8 and if I miss it, then the factory will miss out," Carla said.

"I've got this mum. Don't worry."

Ella sat in the kitchen texting Nick. She looked up as Grace walked into the room. "Come on you. Let's get you to school."

Grace rolled her eyes. "I'm pretty sure I can take myself to school."

"Not according to mum. Trust me. I'll take you to school. And on the way, we can get a Costa."

"Fine. But I'm not a baby. I don't need anyone to babysit me. Or hold my hand as I walk into school," Grace said.

"And I'm not holding your hand you nightmare. I'm taking you to school and Costa on the way."

Ella had walked Grace to school and walked back to the flat. Nick appeared next to her. "School runs already?" He asked.

Ella rolled her eyes and smiled. "I had to make sure Grace went to school. My mum doesn't trust her. But you were a tease this morning with those texts," she told him.

Nick smirked and winked. "I would do those things to you if you want me to. But... you would have to disappear from your mum for a few hours."

Ella grinned. "Bold to assume you'd last a few hours. From what I hear the old people don't last long."

"You cheeky."

Nick pushed her up against a wall that was hidden and smirked. "You know, this could be seen as harassment."

Nick smirked and winked. "Well how about tonight, you can come over and I can order in some Chinese. And then we can test out the old man theory," he said.

Carla smiled as Ella walked into the office. "Hey. How's my big baby?" She asked as she looked at her.

Ella shrugged. "I'm okay. I'm tired. But I think it's to be expected. I just need to make a start on getting stuff for the baby," she said.

Carla nodded and smiled. "I'll help you. You know I will. Did Grace go into school okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. I bought her a Costa on the way. She loved it. But she's just a teenager. She's rebelling. I'm pretty sure you were the same," Ella joked.

Carla laughed and nodded. "I was. But thank you. I know it's not what you want to be doing."

"I'm happy to help mum."

Nick let Ella into the flat. He smiled. "Hey. Didn't think you'd come," he said as he pulled her in and kissed her.

Ella smiled. "I had to do something. I was getting bored at home," she told him.

Nick smiled and nodded. He looked at her and smiled. He knew that they had to make it work for the sake of their baby? Could they even make a relationship work?

Pregnant by my mother's boyfriend *coronation street*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora