You're not the devil, Not to me

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"Detective, Chloe, I really am the devil" he told her, hoping she'd at least believe.

"No your not, not to me" she said softly, cupping his cheek with one hand and putting the other one on her heart.

Baffled, Lucifer leaned in and his lips met hers in a soft, loving kiss. Chloe brought her hands up to cup his cheek as they continued to kiss until a ringing sound broke them apart.

The next day went by so fast. With Charlotte dying and them figuring out Pierce was the killer. Dan was super angry that Lucifer knew that Pierce was really the sinnerman but kept his anger contained for the period of time in which they needed to get Pierce. Lucifer and Chloe went to an address that was supposed to be where one of Pierces thugs sister lived. It turned out that he didn't have a sister and that they were really just set up. Shots were fired and luckily they both made it out alive but not before a horrifying truth was discovered.

"Its all true" Chloe whispered as she stared at the devil, shocked and afraid.

"Detective?" He said confused as to why Chloe was afraid. Then it hit him. His devil face was back. Instantly changing back to his more humane face he whispered, "Chloe", so quiet she barely heard it.

All of a sudden Swat came rushing in, swarming the building to make sure the danger was gone. Lucifer, not wanting to see the fear and disgust in Chloe's eye slipped away. When Chloe was done answering questions and explaining that she was knocked out and that when she came to Lucifer killed Pierce in self-defence she turned to talk to Lucifer but saw he was gone.

"Hey, have you seen Lucifer Morningstar?" She asked the nearest officer.

"No" the officer told her and then walked away.

Chloe then guessed that he had gone to the penthouse and decided to head over there. She has to see him.

Lucifer, was in his penthouse sitting on one of his orange leather armchairs sipping on a glass of bourbon. He couldn't stay and see the look on her face. The one he saw whenever he showed his true face to a human. Fear. He figured she was already gone. Gone somewhere far, far away. Running away. From him. He couldn't bear to think of the fact that he may never see her again. Then the elevator dinged and he heard  her sweet voice. The voice of the woman he cared for. The woman he loved.

"Lucifer" she breathed.

" Detec-, chloe" he said softly, very confused as to why she was here. Shouldn't she be in Europe by now? "What are you doing here?" He asked her, standing up and staring at the hard, marble floor. He couldn't look at her. He was afraid to look into her eyes.

"I came to see you" she said with a small smile on her face, taking a step towards him

" Aren't you running away?" He asked her, scared of the answer as he continued to stare at the floor before him.

"No" she said simply, " Lucifer I told you, earlier in our partnership that I was not afraid of you, and I'm still not. I mean come on Lucifer, what's really changed. I'm still Chloe Decker and your still Lucifer Morningstar, my partner. " she said as tears filled her eyes, walking up until she was just a few feet away.

Lucifer finally took his gaze off  the floor and to her blue eyes. He stared at her, emotions he couldn't identify coursing through his mind. Well, a few he knew of. Shock, confusion, relief, joy and love. "But I'm the devil detective. I'm evil incarnate. You should be afraid detective. Take the Urchin and leave Chloe. Protect yourself from me" he said, tears brimming his eyes at the mere thought of Chloe leaving, removing his gaze from her face.

"No" she said, walking towards him once again. "Lucifer" she said softly, forcing him to once again to stare into her mesmerizing blue orbs. "I've already told you this and I'm gonna say it again. You're not the devil, not to me" she said, placing her fingers on his spiky stubble.

Lucifer, once again shocked by this amazing woman, laughed a short happy laugh as a tear betrayed him and escaped his eye, falling down his cheek. "Why aren't you afraid detective?" He asked her. " why don't you hate me? "

"Because I love you" she explained. She loved him.

Lucifer leant forward and kissed Chloe. A deep, passionate kiss. When they broke apart Lucifer stared lovingly in her eyes. "I love you too Chloe" he said as he captured her lips in another passionate kiss, still confused as to how he deserved such an amazing woman.He

Helloooooooo! Guess what! ITS AUGUST AHH! Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Byeeeeeee!😘😛😁

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