The First Times They Met

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(Marina's POV)

After everything that has happened, I decided I would work on my ship to get some normalcy back into my life. The kid wanted to help me with it and since I loved his company I allowed it.

I was underneath the ship tightening some of the bolts while Little Cato was bringing me parts. All was peaceful, until, for whatever reason, the hatch for the hanger bay opened suddenly and started sucking us out.

Little Cato lost his grip on the box and was being pulled out. I quickly dived towards him, grabbed his hand and held on to one of the walls.

"What's happening?!", Little Cato asked, panicked. "I don't know!", I replied.

I managers to pull him up closer and toss him into a safe zone. Unfortunately, the force of the toss was enough for me to lose my grip on the wall.

Just before I was met with a cold, cruel death, the door closed and I landed on the ground, loosing my breath for a minute. Little Cato scrambled to get down to me.

He reached the bottom, as I started to catch my breath. "Where's the fire, ki-", I started to playfully ask, before he tackled me and hugged me tightly.

I stiffened for a minute before hugging him back. I will admit, in these past months, I had come to care for him more than just a kid I was supposed to care for because I was told to.

He was precious to me and I would do anything to protect him. "I'm okay, kid. I'm okay.", I reassured him.

After what happened in the hanger bay, we decided to call it a day, Little Cato headed to his room, which he shared with Fox, while I was heading of to my own room. On my way, I ran into Gary.

"Where are you off to, Gary?", I asked him. He kept walking, but I just walked with him.

"Alright, look, I'm on my way to see Nightfall.", Gary replied. "About what?", I asked.

"Stuff.", Gary replied. "What kind of stuff?", I asked.

"Things.", Gary replied. "So things and stuff?", I simplified.

"Bingo.", Gary replied. We went into the gravity elevator and continued our conversation.

"Alright, well good luck with that.", I told him. "Keep an eye on things while I'm gone.", Gary told me.

"Sure thing!", I told him, as I got off. "Thanks, Marina! You're the best!", Gary cheered.

I snickered lightly and walked into my room. I shared it with Anaya when she was here, but since she's gone, I got the place all to myself.

I grabbed a bottle of whiskey and started drinking.

(3rd POV)

As Gary weaved his way around loose wires, Ava spoke to him. "Gary, you're not going to walk into the virtualazium unannounced, are you? Because that's really bad form.", Ava told him.

Gary ignored her and entered. "Hey, Nightfall? I felt really bad- Oh!", Gary started, before crying out when he saw Nightfall doing something.

Nightfall gasped in shock when she saw him and tried to cover up what she was doing. "What the hell's going on here?", Gary asked her, as she continued to try and hide the thing from her.

"What are you doing?! Who walks into a virtualazium without knocking?", Nightfall demands, trying to change the subject. "What is this?!", Gary asks, walking towards her.

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