All the Moments Lost

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{Sorry for the wait! It has been a crazy for a while now and everything is starting to calm down.

Updates will be coming in faster for both our Final Space stories and without further ado... Here is the next chapter.}

-Grace and Rainbowcart


(Alex's POV)

The Lord Commander shot at us, as we attempted to escape. "The Lord Commander's fleet is gaining on us.", Hue warned.

A shot causes me to stumble and fall towards the ground, but Avocato caught me before I could. "We need to go back for Fox! We can't leave him back there!", Ash demanded, as Quinn wraps Ash's broken fingers.

She winces and I walk up to her and bring out a numbing injection. I stick it into her and she seemed to feel better instantly.

"Ash. We barely got out.", Marina pushes. I see she is trying to be strong, but she was really upset.

About Ash's brother and her own. "You say we're a team, but then Fox gets taken. And what? We run?!", Ash exclaimed.

"Ash, we're not abandoning him. We're surviving so that we can save him.", Quinn tells her. But, Ash pulls away.

"First my sister and now... This is not happening again!", Ash said. Then, suddenly, a barrage of heavy fire is sent at us.

The ship shook and Ash fell. "Ash!", Little Cato exclaimed, as the two of us help Ash up.

"We can't keep taking hits like this!", Avocato exclaimed. "Can we lightfold?", Marina asked Hue.

"Yes, but the navigation systems are severely damaged. Which means we will be lightfolding blind.", Hue replied. "I'm thinking we roll the dice.", Gary said.

"Gary, blindly lightfolding may result in catastrophic dismemberment.", Hue informed us. "That sounds like a really cool band name!", I said, wagging my tail.

"Oh, crap, yeah. Avocato, write that down. "Catastrophic dismemberment."", Gary said, agreeing with me. "Hue, lightfold now!", Marina ordered.

"Don't say I didn't warn you.", Hue said, as we lightfold away.

(Anaya's POV)

The ship shook and rumbled, as we lightfolded. We were being pulled out.

"Hue? What's happening?", I asked the AI. "We're being ripped out of lightfold.", Hue informed us.

"By the Lord Commander?", Alex asked with her tail tucked between her legs and her ears pinned to her head. Avocato rubbed her back in comfort.

Suddenly, the ship dragged against the side of lightfold tunnel and rocked the ship violently. I stumbled and landed in Avocato's lap by accident.

I got back up and apologized, as we were now face to face with a black hole. "No. By that. It would appear that we lightfolded in front of-", Hue tried to said, before Little Cato cut him off.

"It's a freaking ginormo black hole!", Little Cato exclaimed. Hue corrects the boy by saying, "Except it is not a black hole. It mirrors the properties of one, but this was made for a purpose. This seems to be more of an entrance to... I don't know where."

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