The Chamber of Doubt

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(Marina's POV)

Gary and I were in the med bay with Quinn, as she was looking at her new implant. "Am I becoming... Nightfall? Because if I'm her, then... I no longer exist.", Quinn asked us.

"You're whatever you decide to be.", Gary told her. "I just want to be Quinn. I'm sorry I shut you out, Marina. I should have told you what was happening to me.", Quinn apologized.

I smile at her and said, "It's okay, Quinn. If it were me, I probably would have done the same thing." We suddenly got a call from Little Cato.

"Gary? Marina? Uh... Ash is back.", Little Cato explained. We then perk up.

"Really? That's great! We'll be right there.", I told him. He hangs up and Gary and I stand up.

"We'll be back. Come on, Gary.", I said, walking out. "Ohhhh, boy!", Gary cheered, following after me.

(Anaya's POV)

After Alex called Avocato and I telling us that Ash was back, we started making our way to the galley. On our way, we met up with Gary and Marina.

"Yo, guys. Did you hear Ash is back?", Gary asked. "Yeah, and that's why I have these.", Avocato said, pulling out guns in both of his hands.

Marina's eye widened. "Woah! Isn't that a bit extreme?", Marina asked him.

I nodded. "You're right, that's why I brought my taser.", I said, bringing out the hand-held taser that Tribore got me, for them to see.

"Yo, cool those thrusters, okay? This is Ash we're talking about.", Gary said. "Look, I'm not saying we'll have to use these things, I really hope we don't, but who knows what happened to her.", I pointed out.

"Anaya is right. Ash flew into a black hole after Invictus, survived it, and came back.", Avocato said, backing me up. At his defense my cheeks heated up.

Ever since what happened in the med bay, something inside me changed. I feel warm and happy when I'm with Avocato, and when I'm not, my mind would drift off to thoughts about him.

'What is happening to me?', I asked myself. Marina sighed, before she said, "That's fair."

(Alex's POV)

I paced anxiously as Little Cato and I waited for the adults to show up. As they turned the corner, we faced them with nervous smile.

"Hey. So. Uh, don't get weird.", Little Cato told them. Marina narrowed her eyes, before she said, "You are making it weird by saying, "don't make it weird.""

"Yeah, it's, uh, pretty weird now.", Avocato agreed. I step up, twiddling my thumbs as my tail lowered.

"Well, Ash is a bit, uh, different now.", I said, trying to find the right words. Anaya then steps up.

"She was already different. I mean, she made a doll out of Little Cato's hair. Are you saying she's more different than before?", Anaya said. "Uh, she- Yes.", Little Cato said.

"Oh, god, that might be too different.", Gary said. Marina nudged him in the side as we let them in.

"Heeey- Ash?", Little Cato greeted the woman, who had several empty bowls at her side, while she continued eating. She stood up and the adults gasped.

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