Chapter 1: Gentleman with blue eyes

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I'm currently on my way to New York, I'm babysitting my nephew for the summer as my sister starts working soon. I'll be helping the nanny with him, taking him for a walk and getting a few things done. My name is Rachel Barker from Boston I'll be turning eighteen soon. I'll be studying in NYU for my bachelor degree in business.

I really don't like this idea of working, but babysitting my nephew would be great. I'll get to bond with him even though I'm getting paid. Growing up I used to laugh at my sister when mom starts lecturing her about saving and working for your money.

Guess what? My mom gave me that talk too. She can be strict but it comes from a good place. I honestly thought they never cared about me, especially dad. He let's me get away with a lot of things. They focused on my sister more than me. After she got pregnant and my dad found out they both sat us down. Telling us they were just trying to protect us. We all talked about everything that happened.

I couldn't wait to leave my house but I know my sister is even worse than my mom. She's very protective and strict. She'll be at work most of the time, that means I'll have the house to myself most of the time. My friends went away for summer.

I arrive in my sister's apartment.The place looked really fancy, the lobby on its own looked beautiful. The gaurd helped me with my bags. As we left the elevator I bumped into this handsome gentleman in a working suit. He had briefcase in hand, I couldn't take away my eyes from his. His smile as I apologize for my clumsiness, he was being polite and I didn't expect that. Imagine my embarrassment as I missed a step again. Falling backwards I was lucky he caught me before I fell but I couldn't look at him I just wanted to runaway.

That guy better not be my neighbour like in those cliché movies.

I thought to myself as I opened the door to my sister's apartment. I really don't think there's such thing as "love at first sight". My sister would know more about that, she's read almost all the romance books oh and she watched the romance movies too. I can't lie though there was an attraction like I've felt sparks before but there was something strange about him touching me.

I had a few boyfriends, nothing serious though. It only got serious when I was with Jonny till he left for Ohio state last summer. We tried the long distance relationship but it just never worked.the move was difficult for me. I might have been popular at school but I didn't want that to define me. I didn't date after that I just had a few hookups with this jock. He didn't mind that I was using him as he was doing the same with me. He didn't like being labelled as someone's boyfriend and I wasn't ready for another commitment.

I don't see myself in a serious relationship anytime soon. I just want to focus on my studies for now. That doesn't mean I won't have fun though.

I decided to call my sister since she was taking my nephew for his immunisation.

"Hey, you made it?"

"Like i wasn't gonna make it, I know mom told you I was on my way."

"Yeah she told me, I was worried you'd get lost. I forget you're big girl sometimes."

"Whatever. So when are you guys coming back?"

"We'll be back soon. got to go." She sounded like she was busy.

"Okay sis"

I decided to just take a nap before they came back. I plopped down on the couch before calling my parents and letting them know I was safe.

I don't know how long I've fallen asleep. I was disturbed by the door, my sister came in. We hugged and talked for a while since junior was asleep.

We might have the strangest relationship but you'd be surprised to know that I enjoy annoying her. I get to see another side of her as she gets pissy.

"Let's help you get settled and order something for dinner."

"I was about to ask you for my room. Can't have these lying around with a kid around."

"Firstly he's too young, it's not like he's about to walk out of my room. And you're the clumsy one. " We started laughing.

We later ordered Chinese food for dinner. After eating and chatting we decided to watch a movie (Ride Along2). We later went to out separate rooms as my sister had a phone call.

My mind went back to the moment I saw the gentleman earlier. How his perfectly shaped face was just inches from. I couldn't feel his breath fanning my hair as he caught me from behind. His arms around me, I didn't even notice that he dropped his briefcase.

I definitely want to see him again, I can't even sleep thinking about him.

Wait...What if he's married or has kids?

No way. I need to stop obsessing over that guy.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower hoping it would be helpful. Laying on my bed, I took my phone and sent a text to my friends. I know my best friend Lacey would freak out if she could see where I am right now. I sent a few pictures of the apartment and the area around.

I woke up around six, since it was summer the sun was still up. I went to the bathroom to freshen up. When I came back I check my phone, I had a few notifications on my Instagram. I ended up uploading a few pictures before my nap. I replied to my friend's comments. Some of them didn't know I was in New York.

I guess seeing the central park on the view of my room got to them. A had more reaction on the picture with people asking, "are you for real." And I was like "couldn't master this kind of photoshop even if I was a Pro"

Later I decided to go and check on my sister. I could here some voices coming from the lounge. But as I leave my phone on the charger opening the door I heard the main door being shut. The noise was not there anymore, instead the only person I saw was on a phone call. "Damn couldn't he be more handsome." I whispered to myself.

There he was still in his working suit, even though he was talking on the phone his attention was on me. I quickly headed for the kitchen since I was want to seem rude. But I guess he didn't mind because he just dropped the call to talk to me.

"Uh, your sister just went out. She'll be back in no time."

"Okay, thanks." I said nervous. I don't know if it was his voice since it was the first time he spoke to me or his presence. Why was he in my sister's apartment?

"I'm Michael by the way. Your sister's friend." He said.

I was still lost in his ocean blue eyes, his face was so smooth like he just shaved. I found my eyes going to his lips, I noticed that he was waiting for me to say something.

"Oh, Rachel. Rachel Barker. You already know that." Why did I say that? He already knew Who I am. Lucky he just smiled and sat down with Junior on his lap.

I went to the kitchen and got a glass of ice water. I could fight the urge to slap myself, my behaviour was really bad. I can't believe I was gawking at him and now I have to go and sit with him. Why didn't my sister even inform me that a guy was living here with us. Now that I think about the guy came from this apartment area earlier today. Now he is back here and he doesn't look like a visited.

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