Chapter 6 - Rat

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Memories from the past raise with in more deadly memories.

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He followed her everywhere she went throughout the entire day. He kept a close eye on her every move. The house had eyes everywhere on it, there was no escape for her. She couldn't even make it to the door without being spotted immediately by the demented man himself. Fear was never a good feeling, but to live on it daily was torturous. Greta couldn't stand the feeling of him lingering on her back like a foul leech. She felt suffocated as always by his intense breathing, and towering stance. It's only been a couple of days having been miserably long. It felt like an eternity. Greta would do anything to have some fresh air to inhale, and not have to smell the repellant odor radiating off his body.

She had her roomy navy-blue sweater on feeling the coldness spread rapidly throughout the dark manor. She walked down the long hall with Brahms not far behind. Her hands were like ice as she reached for the two giant doors. She opened it with one gentle push. She walked into the library where the piano laid at peace. She glanced back at the sound of the doors that had been softly click shut by Brahms. The drapes were covering the massive elegant windows. The large room was a bit dark, for a second, she couldn't see Brahms entirely. Her heart raced a little, she turned to the long drapes and slid it wide open. The milky white light had brought life back to the beautiful room. She didn't think she'd ever be stepping foot into this room again.

Greta went to the other two windows and slide the drapes aside as well. It wasn't sunny out, as the clouds covered its previous heat from entering the room. The weather up here was always unpredictable, reminded of Mrs. Heelshire's words, she said there were many problems when it came to the weather where they lived. She sighed quietly to herself as she looked out at the windows seeing the many large trees rustled in the steady wind. She put her hand on her necklace again moving it from side to side on the silver chain.

She turned her head only to see Brahms broad slouched back starring intensely at the vast bookshelf. Books laid everywhere in stacks on the floors and tables. They must've been big heavy readers considering the thickness of each book she came across. Brahms's body was as still as a statue, arms dangling stiffly to his sides, he was reading the titles on the sides of each book thoroughly.

Greta stood there uncertain of what to do, she quickly tucked her necklace under her sweater. She crossed her arms over her chest tightly, should she go next to him, or just leave him to his unending predictable gawking. Greta decided not to get involved. She turns away and looked around with caution as she scanned the room. Taking in every detail, pacing slowly around the large Victorian couch. She took a quick glance back towards Brahms seeing he hadn't moved from his position. She turned back only to look up at large old paintings, and more stuffed dead animals hanging high up near the ceiling. The large room hadn't changed the last time she was in it, everything was still intact surprisingly. Mostly coming across massive birds with sharp talons and beaks that stuck to the extended walls. One bird that could her eye was a vibrant black and white hawk with piercing orange-red eyes. It must've been so graceful as it once soured there the skies and hid mysteriously amongst the deepened forests. She thought they only killed the vermin that scurried within the house, apparently it was beautiful things too they ended.

The sound of a static scratch startled Greta as she turned towards the noise. Brahms had placed one of those old records on a very low volume. It sounded like old violins playing softly in the background. Brahms starred at it for only a moment before walking back over to the shelfs. Greta paced herself around the couch as she glanced back at him yet again. His arm finally lifted from his side and carefully retrieved a book from its tight space. He slides it out slowly taking it in both hands reading over the cover. Greta stepped just a bit closer but paused, she didn't want to get to close his side.

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