Chapter 15 - You're Worth It

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Greta had been alone to herself without even realizing how fast time flies by. She'd cooked a simply dish of anything frozen in the freezer. She snatched it up quickly. She even cleaned the kitchen spotless and sorted everything in and out of the cabinets. Rearranging the plates and utensils to its correct places. She couldn't stand an unorganized kitchen with everything scattered across the table. Greta didn't have much else to do now. She'd finished for goal and put the remains of his food away wrapping it tightly with foil on a clean plate.

Greta made her way to Brahms's room down below the manor. To her own surprise he wasn't in there nor was he in his old room. She couldn't believe she was going around the entire place looking for him. It was when she wanted to find him, she couldn't find him but when she didn't want to see him, he would appear out of nowhere.

Perhaps she should stop in her tracks now. She didn't want to kill herself looking for him. If he wanted to be found by her, he would've come. So be it, she thought carelessly. Greta went to her room folding her clothes and throwing what needed to be cleaned and scrubbed. She had kept busy for some time but started to wonder where Brahms was. It wasn't like him to be gone for hours and hours on end. Especially during late day light hours. The sun was setting now, and a draught began to crawl on her skin.

Greta shivered to the core. She was in the laundry room next to Brahms's room. How could he be able to sleep in such a cold, damp, and just plain uncomfortable atmosphere. It wasn't the most welcoming room. How he managed to live down here alone was phenomenal in a weird sort of way. He had survived and hide away from the public; it was quite impressive. No one had seemed to find out yet. Well, they would have when Greta was about to make the call from the hospital but never did it. She scolded herself for not going through with it. She would never have been stuck here and trapped with no escape whatsoever.

Greta couldn't bring herself to make the call though. There was too much of an untold story. One she thought even she would never hear about, and Greta still didn't know the full story of the Heelshire family. A family full of dark secret and sins. There prayers wouldn't save them from their own demise. Greta never knew what actually began of Brahms's parents. Where they went and run off to. She wouldn't blame them though for running, anyone would do the same thing in their position. She should know.

Still, it bugged her a bit, knowing they let people die over and over by their own sons' hands. Maybe, he couldn't be stopped, not by them alone, he was probably a raging lunatic to them no doubt, she thought. There was no guidance given to Brahms and discipline. The signs of a killer were visible. As a result, the branched snapped and no one could catch the falling baby bird.

Brahms could do good; Greta saw it no doubt. He'd helped her at times when she asked him to. He didn't say no to getting rid of Cole. Even though she technically didn't know that the so called 'Real' Brahms would complete the job. Still, just before he did say a big fat 'NO' on using the fireplace. Greta rolled her eyes at that, so annoying, she thought.

Her thoughts were running a mile a minute. She too breath and slowed down. She'd been walking around mindless as she thought on of Brahms. She was thinking of him more and more, but what else was there really to think about. Greta already figured out a few hours ago that Brahms most likely wasn't even in the house. Where he'd gone, she hadn't a clue. This might be her time to escape but put a paused on that idea for now. She had too much riding on this, and she needed to be smarter than that.

If only she could somehow call him, but he'd come home when he's ready. Home, she was taken back this wasn't her home, she thought peeved off. She had a home back in America with the people who love her. At times she felt as though she might've been a huge burden looking back now at what she'd put her family through. Bringing chaos into her family. Greta had a nice life before she met Cole. She was happy and all it took was that one person, that one big mistake to fuck it all up.

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